Is she gravid?


New Member
WE have had Carmen for about 5 months not and have never had a problem. She was very very young when we got her but she has always eaten like a champ. We switched her tree Aug 17th and she wouldn't go into that tree for anything so we put her old tree back in her enclosure. She then started hanging out at the bottom of the cage and her eating as slowed and is almost not happening she is drinking though. I put a 5 gallon bucket in her enclosure with moist sand. We were advised to place her in the bucket and place something over it to keep her in. She was in the bucket over night and part of the next day and never dug. WE have kept the bucket in the enclosure and have a rope that she uses often going into the bucket so she can get into it but she doesn't seem interested at all I am worried about her getting egg bound. I have posted pictures to help. Sorry they are a little fuzzy I am not sure why.


not completly but almost. she normally will eat as soon as I put the crickets in but not now she will eat one or two while they are roaming the cage.
thats ok there is no little "extra Toe" on her back heel. I am just worried that she won't go in the buckt to lay.
Is she drinking more than usual?

If she does start digging, make sure you don't let her see you when she is digging. She will abandon the hole feeling that its not safe.

Hopefully its just a case of her not being quite ready to lay the eggs yet. Keep an eye on her and watch for any signs like sleeping during the day, sunken eyes, lethargy which could indicate that she is heading for eggbinding. Make sure she is getting enough calcium too.
Thanks for all your help she isn't drink more the normal and is more active during the day then normal. Her colors all just came out within the past 2 weeks. I didn't know if she just can of age or if it were do to her being gravid.
since the colors have been there for a couple of weeks she may need another week or even three more before she will lay. also ive had chams not like to use rope. maybe trying somthing more sturdy?
She has had rope in her enclosure since she was little and always uses it. She just won't go in the bucket . I will give her some time she is still active and drinking just not eating much
Is the top of the bucket flush with the cage floor? Could she be roaming about the lowest part of the cage, and not realising the bucket with the sand is the place to be?

I have one female who is a little.... stupid, there I said it. She has had the same laying bin for three years, using it successfully. I know shes ready to use it when she is fat and roaming about restlessly (she never stops eating entirely). The laying bin doesnt take up the whole cage floor, only about three quarters of it. So around the bin the cage floor is of course quite a ways down. This female will wander on top of the sand in the bin, the sand being almost to the very top of the bin. She will wander down to the bottom of the cage, beside the bin. She will wander back up again. And back down again. etc. Eventually I stuff a bunch of towels around the laying bin, so that it is then the lowest part of the cage she can get to. And suddenly she loves the bin, digs her tunnel, lays her eggs, gets sand everywhere filling in the tunnel and making a little hill on top.
No it isn't the lowest part of the enclosure Her Enclosure is rather large for one little female. It's 6'x3'x2' and has a potted Hibiscus in it with some ropes zig zaging across it. here is a picture of it before the Hibiscus got bigger. I was told to put a 5 gallon bucket in the enclosure with moist sand in it. There is not real way to make the bucket even with the ground with out making a false floor. Yes the lights are now on the outside of the enclosure when she went in there she was so small I was worried it wouldn't get warm enough in there when I got her she could fit on my pinky finger.
I used about four bath towels to make a false floor around the bin - could you do that? Not that this is necessarily the issue. My other females figure out the bin thing without the extra help. More likely yours just aint ready yet. Another alternative is to take her out of her normal cage and put her in the bin (assuming the sides are high enough to keep her in)
we did that for 24 hours and put a screen over the top of the bucket but she was totally not interested and just tried to get out of it.
Thanks I am just a worry wart when it comes to all my babies. Could it be that we changed her tree and she is just mad at us? We changed it back to the old one but she still wasn't acting right.
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