WE have had Carmen for about 5 months not and have never had a problem. She was very very young when we got her but she has always eaten like a champ. We switched her tree Aug 17th and she wouldn't go into that tree for anything so we put her old tree back in her enclosure. She then started hanging out at the bottom of the cage and her eating as slowed and is almost not happening she is drinking though. I put a 5 gallon bucket in her enclosure with moist sand. We were advised to place her in the bucket and place something over it to keep her in. She was in the bucket over night and part of the next day and never dug. WE have kept the bucket in the enclosure and have a rope that she uses often going into the bucket so she can get into it but she doesn't seem interested at all I am worried about her getting egg bound. I have posted pictures to help. Sorry they are a little fuzzy I am not sure why.