Is she ready for her first infertile clutch ?


New Member
Okay guys, today after I woke up I notice my female wasn't basking but instead she was hanging around the bottom of the plant. She is showing some dark color as well. She gain tons of weight can't tell how much weight, I don't have a scale. I do have a clean bucket never been used.

I been searching this from on info about laying bin. Most people say use sand and soil. I was wonder can I use this here I had some eco-earth but it grew some mold so I threw it out. So is she ready to lay her first infertile clutch ? Here are a few pictures I took today. This is my very first egg laying chameleon. I'll take any help and suggestion. Thanks.





She's looking quite should have had the egglaying bin in there before now IMHO. You might end up with an eggbound chameleon.

Any washed playsand will be fine...just moisten it enough that it will hold a tunnel.

BTW...when she starts digging, don't let her see you watching her.
You said..."I had eco-earth but it molded. I threw it out"...but if she has no place to dig to lay the eggs, she will pass the time to lay them and become IMHO its important that you get something in the bucket now.
can someone plz answer my question

For female panthers, at wat age do they usually lay their first infertile eggs? Is it 7months?
Jesse...there is no definite time for a chameleon to lay its first clutch. It depends somewhat on the raising of the chameleon in many cases. I can tell you though that you have very few days from the time she shows the first signs of needing/wanting to lay eggs until she will pass the its extremely important that she has an appropriate place to dig and the peace to do it. Its important not to let her see you watching her when she's digging too.
laying site

i would try filling the bucket to the top with a mix of 3/4 soil and 1/4 damp play sand and try to make a tunnel with your hand if it stays in place,and does not collapse,then this usaully a good indication that it will be suitable.
Then put some foilage covering the the top of the bucket so she feels secure,and keep her well hydrated.
how much do you feed her?
we have had females drop infertile cluthces at 8 months.
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