Is that calcium the right one?


Hi there i wanna ask if this calcium is ok for every day .and that vitamins 2?


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calcium is fine

for the vitamin you need to check the D3 dosage. Many are way too high for a chameleon. It should be listed as IU per KG or IU per pound. You are looking for around 20,000 IU per kg
Vitamine 1 time/week?
Calcium everyday
D3 2 times /month?
Calcium without D3 all feedings... Then Calcium with D3 two times a month and multivitamins (should not contain D3) two times a month. These two are rotated week to week at one feeding.
IF the multivitamin has calcium with D3 in it then you would use it for the calcium with D3 and the multivitamin only 2 times a month say the 1st and the 15th then at all other feedings you would use plain calcium without D3.


Calcium without D3 all feedings... Then Calcium with D3 two times a month and multivitamins (should not contain D3) two times a month. These two are rotated week to week at one feeding.
IF the multivitamin has calcium with D3 in it then you would use it for the calcium with D3 and the multivitamin only 2 times a month say the 1st and the 15th then at all other feedings you would use plain calcium without D3.

So.... I received this from my Breeder. I'm " not " supposed to dust my crickets with the Calcium with D3 everyday! I thought this was ok since it was sent . Also the reptile Vitamins is 2 times a month right. Please let me know so I can 🛑 and go get the calcium with out d3 . I have a panther chameleon baby .
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So.... I received this from my Breeder. I'm " not " supposed to dust my crickets with the Calcium with D3 everyday! I thought this was ok since it was sent . Also the reptile Vitamins is 2 times a month right. Please let me know so I can 🛑 and go get the calcium with out d3 . I have a panther chameleon baby .
Yeah so this one you need the without D3 version... IF you have been dusting with the D3 version you want to stop rather than overdose.

These two you have would be rotated week to week at one feeding lightly dusted on all feeders. Then at all other feedings you want the repti calcium without D3 or you can get repashy supercal NoD. I really like that one and that is what I use. I am not really all that fond of the zoomed one because it can over coat the feeders. You do not want them to look like powdered donuts.

The only thing to note about your multivitamin there is that it does not have preformed A instead it has beta carotene. They have not proven that chams can convert beta carotene to preformed A. Some have used it without issues others have had issues.
Yeah so this one you need the without D3 version... IF you have been dusting with the D3 version you want to stop rather than overdose.

These two you have would be rotated week to week at one feeding lightly dusted on all feeders. Then at all other feedings you want the repti calcium without D3 or you can get repashy supercal NoD. I really like that one and that is what I use. I am not really all that fond of the zoomed one because it can over coat the feeders. You do not want them to look like powdered donuts.

The only thing to note about your multivitamin there is that it does not have preformed A instead it has beta carotene. They have not proven that chams can convert beta carotene to preformed A. Some have used it without issues others have had issues.
We were it if cal. W/out d3 at pet shop tore . I can order online . How long can my baby go without dusting?
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