Is this a good setup


New Member
I was just wondering if i have a good setup for my chameleon.
Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Reptibreeze 24x24x48
  • Lighting - combo deep dome with 75W basking spot lamp and 75W Nocturnal infrared heat lamp and a single deep dome with a reptisun 5.0 uvb
  • Temperature - around 74 basking about 80-90
  • Humidity - 60-80
  • Plants - 1 big Dracaena and a lot of fake plants
  • Placement - corner of my bedroom
  • Location - Virginia
  • Also I have a Monsoon Auto mister and a Zoo Med fogger
Well without seeing a pic, and not knowing what type of cham have my answers are limited. You don't need a red nightlight it will mess with it's sleep, and unless your temps drop below 55-60 degrees at night you won't need heat. Can't comment on your humidity without knowing what type of chameleon you have, Same with you temps. I can only assume you have enough foliage without seeing a pic. So put up a pic of your enclosure, and your cham, and we can be of more help. Oh one more thing the CFL UVB that you have will work for now, but I suggest you get the linear tube ASP because it spreads the UV over the cham way better than the CFL do. I hope this was helpful. :)
I am planning on getting a sub adult or adult Jackson cham that im planning on ordering. So i'm giving myself time to prepare and make changes as needed. I have supplements (Calcium with and without D3, Multi vitamin, Gut load for crickets) I just want to make sure everything is okay for him. also if you have any good websites to order Jackson chameleons from could you send me the website :D thank you


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Your setup looks great. For a Jackson you will need to keep you basking temp in the low 80s I keep mine at about 83 degrease. Ambient temp should be in the high 60 at the bottom to 70 degrease in the middle. With an overall cool down at night in the mid 60s even cooler if you can manage it. For your humidity you will need to keep it at about 60-80% drying out in between misting. Supplements should be calcium without D3 about 4 times a week, with D3 once a month, and multivitamins once a month not to be given at the same time. By gut load what do you mean? I see you got a mister good Jacksons like a lot of water your going to need it. You might need to plum in a cool mist humidifier to maintain the humidity depending on where you live. I live in cold climate so that means a lot of dry heat so for me it's a must. Hope I've answered some of your concerns. :)
Your setup looks great. For a Jackson you will need to keep you basking temp in the low 80s I keep mine at about 83 degrease. Ambient temp should be in the high 60 at the bottom to 70 degrease in the middle. With an overall cool down at night in the mid 60s even cooler if you can manage it. For your humidity you will need to keep it at about 60-80% drying out in between misting. Supplements should be calcium without D3 about 4 times a week, with D3 once a month, and multivitamins once a month not to be given at the same time. By gut load what do you mean? I see you got a mister good Jacksons like a lot of water your going to need it. You might need to plum in a cool mist humidifier to maintain the humidity depending on where you live. I live in cold climate so that means a lot of dry heat so for me it's a must. Hope I've answered some of your concerns. :)

I have a fogger in the cage too and by gut load it puts calcium in the crickets instead of me having to dust them and it also gives them water so they live longer. the spot closest to the basking light is at 100 degrees so Im going to lower the higher spots in the cage but at lower spots it is colder in the high 60s low 70s humidity stays at around 70-80 depending on if i run the mister and the fogger so after lowering everything i feel Im ready to maybe order my Jackson. What do you feed your jacksons if i might ask (crickets, mealworms, dubia roaches?) thank you for your help
I feed my jacks Supper worms, Dubia, Crickets, Silkworms, and occasionally wax worms (bee moths), and mealworms. I was referring to the brand of gut load are you using. Some brands aren't very effective. I make my own wet mix of mustard green, turnip green, carrots, oranges, bee pollen. calcium without d3, grind it all up and freeze it. Then I use a commercial brand of cricket crack, or bug burger. I hope I helped you out. :)
The monsoon mister is junk. If you can, return it asap. Get a mistking and be done with it. A large consensus with people who have had them is that they will fail. Also lightyourreptiles has some of the best lighting options for the health of your cham and live plants. Larry can answer all your lighting questions and suggest the best possible lighting for your set up. I didn't buy lights from him when I first was setting up my cage but after reading reviews and talking to him I quickly switched to 2 tropic blaze dual 24inch fixtures. Couldn't be happier. As mentioned, no need for the night heat light. Good luck and have fun setting up your chams new home
Its Zilla Gut load cricket drink with calcium
that's okay, but you need to feed them some veggies, and a dry mix as well the better you feed your insects the healthier your cham I can't stress how important this is. When are you getting your Jacks? I got my last male from Underground reptiles he is great, but I also got a Uromastyx from them that was pretty bad and died just a day after he arrived. They made it right with me, but the whole experience was a little unnerving to say the least. So I'm not comfortable recommending them. Your going to love your Jacks though they are an awesome species so calm.:)
that's okay, but you need to feed them some veggies, and a dry mix as well the better you feed your insects the healthier your cham I can't stress how important this is. When are you getting your Jacks? I got my last male from Underground reptiles he is great, but I also got a Uromastyx from them that was pretty bad and died just a day after he arrived. They made it right with me, but the whole experience was a little unnerving to say the least. So I'm not comfortable recommending them. Your going to love your Jacks though they are an awesome species so calm.:)

I plan on ordering before christmas and i was looking at underground and LLLreptiles idk which to choose yet
Well I got my male a few months back, and he is doing great. Done a fecal on him and it came back clean. But it was a few months back so not real sure how long they have had this batch. I don't think they do a real good job of caring for them long term based on the Uromastyx they gave me. So you might get lucky or you might not if your willing to take that chance. I'm just not comfortable recommending them, and then you have a bad experience. I never bought a cham from LLLreptile, however I have bought other stuff from them, and found the experience to be pleasurable. Sorry I can't be of more help:(
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