Is this a male or female


New Member
New Chameleon Daddy. Can anyone help on sexing this little one? (almost 3 months old) Thanks!!!


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Congrats! 🎊🎉 I hope you have a great time with your cham. If you need any help just holler. What’s his name?
Here are some links if you need help with husbandry: Chameleon Academy ~ YouTube ~ Neptune The Chameleon ~ YouTube
Here are some links for food and supplies: Food ~ Food as well ~ Leap Supplies ~ Arcadia
And here is a link for some discounts: Neptune the Chameleon Discount
Enjoy your new chameleon!😊

It could take up to 2 weeks for a new chameleon to get settled into their new home. During that time you want to give your cham space, no handling, and you don’t really want them to see you just staring at them. You want them to have a good first impression in their new home. I did this with my cham and he has settled in perfectly. Here are 2 video links that you should watch for when you get your new chameleon: Chameleon Academy Neptune the Chameleon
It seems the question has been resolved but I wanted to chime in... I also say female :). Her colors are gorgeous. For reference ive attached some pics of 2 of my juvenile female panthers, bonnie and dumplin, just to show how much females can vary in color. Bonnie is the orange one, while Dumplin is the blueish one. Both are definitely female (they are both around 8months old now) and from different breeders. Congrats on the new baby and I can't wait to see updates on her development! She is stunning :love:

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