I've noticed that my chameleon is sitting under her heat lamp with her mouth gaping. I've read that this happens when they are too warm and usually I would turn her heat lamp off for 10-15 mins to let her cool down. However she seemed to go back to opening her mouth as soon as I put it back on. I put her to bed last night and when I turned her lights back on this morning she was gaping again so there is no way she is too warm. She only seems to do this when she is under her basking light and doesn't stay there very long before moving. She hasn't ate or drank for me today yet and she seems to keep putting her head up as well. I just find it weird that this only happens when she is under her light. Its as if the light is the problem... I feel like there could be some kind of infection in her mouth as well as her teeth are black and I'm not sure if this is normal...