Is this enough?


Established Member
I feed my guy about 2 quarter length roaches with a waxworm each day. Although I'm lucky if he will eat all of that. I have 2 cups set up with at least 5-6 roaches and i offer more worms, in his cage but he doesn't seem to want any more than what I've listed above, Is this healthy?
BTW: he is 4mo
I feed my guy about 2 quarter length roaches with a waxworm each day. Although I'm lucky if he will eat all of that. I have 2 cups set up with at least 5-6 roaches and i offer more worms, in his cage but he doesn't seem to want any more than what I've listed above, Is this healthy?
BTW: he is 4mo

Do you let any free roam during the day to make sure if he gets hungry again he can eat? as well as watch the free roaming ones to make sure they dont attack your cham?
Quarter inch? Or the length of a quarter Roaches? I think he should eat more. Try crickets small crickets my 4 mo. Old will eat 20 a day if I let him. I feed him 10 to 12 with a wax worm or meal worm as a treat. Treat him if he eats all his dinner!
So other than getting some more crickets, which I wil try to get. Its not nessicarly anything medically wrong? His poops normal, he drinks well, its just he doesn't seem to want to eat any more. I will try and put a few in his cage. He is a few weeks new in my care, so he isn't totally used to the cup feeding yet...
Both my chameleons go through stages of eating. Sometimes they won't eat for a few days and sometimes they will sit there and just eat an eat an eat. I thought correct me if I'm wrong that wax worms were very addictive for chameleons and were only supposed to be used once a month at most. Mine do eat a lot better since I stopped giving them regular wax worms.
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