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About 4 moths ago I noticed my cham not shedding as usual, so I took him to an "Exotic Vet". After examining Frankie, the vet looked at me and told me he did not what to tell me, because he was not familiar with herps, to what I said that when I was making the appoinment I was bringing a chameleon. He had no problem charging me $60.00 for the consultation. He suggested to cut down on his mistings, to let his skin dry a lot more and apply neosporin all over his skin. Well the neosporin dry up like cement, bumps started to grow on his sides and his waste was dry and orange and started to behave very sluggish. I stopped his suggestion and looked for another vet and this time made sure they knew about reptiles. So took Frankie to the new vet and after prodding and pricking she said to me... "I don't know what to tell you". She said she was going to do some research make a few calls and will give me a call. Well that was last week...and still waiting. He is a panther cross, about 4 years old. Cage is 30x30x3' linear reptiglo -changed last moth- 90F. basking spot, 70-75F. everywhere else, ficus and coffee plants, in a quiet corner of an extra room we have. Misting 3-5 times a day. Weather permiting they are outside. Little handling -I do clean the cages daily-, 5-8 crickets every other day dusted w/calcium. On the 1st w/D3 and on the 15th w/vitamins. About once a week waxworms, superworms or butterworms. About 6 months ago was on Panacure for coccidia, that he got rid of. And here are some pictures of my current problem...