Is this fungus?


Established Member
About 4 moths ago I noticed my cham not shedding as usual, so I took him to an "Exotic Vet". After examining Frankie, the vet looked at me and told me he did not what to tell me, because he was not familiar with herps, to what I said that when I was making the appoinment I was bringing a chameleon. He had no problem charging me $60.00 for the consultation. He suggested to cut down on his mistings, to let his skin dry a lot more and apply neosporin all over his skin. Well the neosporin dry up like cement, bumps started to grow on his sides and his waste was dry and orange and started to behave very sluggish. I stopped his suggestion and looked for another vet and this time made sure they knew about reptiles. So took Frankie to the new vet and after prodding and pricking she said to me... "I don't know what to tell you". She said she was going to do some research make a few calls and will give me a call. Well that was last week...and still waiting. He is a panther cross, about 4 years old. Cage is 30x30x3' linear reptiglo -changed last moth- 90F. basking spot, 70-75F. everywhere else, ficus and coffee plants, in a quiet corner of an extra room we have. Misting 3-5 times a day. Weather permiting they are outside. Little handling -I do clean the cages daily-, 5-8 crickets every other day dusted w/calcium. On the 1st w/D3 and on the 15th w/vitamins. About once a week waxworms, superworms or butterworms. About 6 months ago was on Panacure for coccidia, that he got rid of. And here are some pictures of my current problem...


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i'm very sorry about your situation. he is beautiful. i wish i could help, hopefully someone can on the forum.
It could be a fungus...but I'm no vet so you will have to get the vet to do some tests to see what it is. There is a fungus called CANV (Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii) that is somewhat like that...and it can kill the chameleon if its not treated. If it is CANV using flamazine or silvadene may cure the lesions, but it won't likely get rid of the fungus. It would need itraconazole for that.
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About 4 moths ago I noticed my cham not shedding as usual, so I took him to an "Exotic Vet". After examining Frankie, the vet looked at me and told me he did not what to tell me, because he was not familiar with herps, to what I said that when I was making the appoinment I was bringing a chameleon. He had no problem charging me $60.00 for the consultation. He suggested to cut down on his mistings, to let his skin dry a lot more and apply neosporin all over his skin. Well the neosporin dry up like cement, bumps started to grow on his sides and his waste was dry and orange and started to behave very sluggish. I stopped his suggestion and looked for another vet and this time made sure they knew about reptiles. So took Frankie to the new vet and after prodding and pricking she said to me... "I don't know what to tell you". She said she was going to do some research make a few calls and will give me a call. Well that was last week...and still waiting. He is a panther cross, about 4 years old. Cage is 30x30x3' linear reptiglo -changed last moth- 90F. basking spot, 70-75F. everywhere else, ficus and coffee plants, in a quiet corner of an extra room we have. Misting 3-5 times a day. Weather permiting they are outside. Little handling -I do clean the cages daily-, 5-8 crickets every other day dusted w/calcium. On the 1st w/D3 and on the 15th w/vitamins. About once a week waxworms, superworms or butterworms. About 6 months ago was on Panacure for coccidia, that he got rid of. And here are some pictures of my current problem...

I don't think you kicked coccidia with panacur.... but everything else sounds good. What kind of Reptiglo? 5.0?

I had an issue with my panther... But I am not so sure it is the same. I would try and get silvidine and use that instead of a triple ointment. You might need a prescription... but your previous vets shouldn't have any issue selling it to you since they've seen the animal already. Don't pay more than 10-15 dollars for a small dish of it (about the size of a single or double shot glass).
if he's eating and acting normally dont stress , let him be , when the shedding stops see whats the result , panacur is way to strong for kams it could be that he is shedding and pooping badly of the medecin , if he stops eating and drinking than you have a problem , mist at least 2 times a day its good for the skin , and i don't think its fungus
I don't like throwing in my two cents when I'm not incredibly educated in cham health care, but I haven't seen anyone suggest a burn. Do you think he might be too close to his basking light? It looks like its more prevalent on one side and I know my cham prefers to bask on one side more than the other.

Also, it looks almost like the skin under his shed is shedding as well (double shed). I don't know if this is possible or if anyone has seen something like this. I know when in elementary school, one of my teachers had an iguana who would have shed problems where not all the skin would fall off until a later shed and I think it kind of looked like that.

Ill cross my fingers in hopes that its nothing serious.:)
if he's eating and acting normally dont stress , let him be , when the shedding stops see whats the result , panacur is way to strong for kams it could be that he is shedding and pooping badly of the medecin , if he stops eating and drinking than you have a problem , mist at least 2 times a day its good for the skin , and i don't think its fungus

Sorry man but you have no clue what your talking about :(
I think he's saying you have no clue about panacur. And that he shouldnt just leave this cham and "see how it goes". He's obviously got some type of skin issue going on. Either fungus or infection either way I wouldnt just leave him be cause he's he's still eatting. I f he hadnt pooped in a week thats one thing but this is obviously something that needs to be addressed. Wish I could help ya. But I have no exp with skin issues. Im just throwing this out but did they scrape that stuff and do any lab work?
looks like unshed skin first of all - maybe some fungal infection or fungus growing in the unshed skin. Try applying some moisturizer or even mineral oil to small portions. I had a panther with a similar clumping on his head. A little mineral oil dropped on it, after setting for 5-10 minutes, allowed it to pull cleanly off.
looks like unshed skin first of all - maybe some fungal infection or fungus growing in the unshed skin. Try applying some moisturizer or even mineral oil to small portions. I had a panther with a similar clumping on his head. A little mineral oil dropped on it, after setting for 5-10 minutes, allowed it to pull cleanly off.

Just a question, but would vitamin e oil work? just curious.
Thanks for everyone's advice. I called the vet today, but she was not there. The secretary told me she has been emailing my case and pictures, but has not yet received any concrete answer. I have been doing some research and looks treatable, but I'll suggest the vet for a skin culture because i think it is a fungus infection and topic ointment or oil would not be enough. And it was not Panucur what my cham took, it was Panazuril. Sorry for the confusion.
Just a quick update. After some heavy -often- showering Frankie is shedding a little. I hope the vet calls me on Monday to see what she found out.
It looks like hyperkeratosis to me, which is skin thickening due to lack of vitamin A, or other possibly serious factors. That is just my opinion. I would mention that to your vet. Do some research online about it, you may find some information after a while, though there isn't much about reptile hyperkeratosis.
Did your vet do a skin scraping and stain it to look for fungi? I'd be surprised if neither one did, it is easy and any vet or tech can identify fungus. Also that could help them determine if it is epithelial dysplasia Good luck!
explain yourself please

Todnedo did explain, the statement about panacea is pure B.S., also the info about leaving him alone and not stressing him is call sticking your head in the sand and not dealing with the problem. Bad advice.
It looks like hyperkeratosis to me, which is skin thickening due to lack of vitamin A, or other possibly serious factors. That is just my opinion. I would mention that to your vet. Do some research online about it, you may find some information after a while, though there isn't much about reptile hyperkeratosis.
Did your vet do a skin scraping and stain it to look for fungi? I'd be surprised if neither one did, it is easy and any vet or tech can identify fungus. Also that could help them determine if it is epithelial dysplasia Good luck!

Dude thanks for the advice. I hope to talk to the vet tomorrow. And no, none of the vets suggested a culture to determine fungus activity, so I will bring that up.
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