Is this MBD?


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species: Veiled Chameleon, Sex: Male, Age of your chameleon: I think 3 months, How long has it been in your care?: I've had him for 11 days.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? : 3 or 4 times since I've had him.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? Crickets, occasional meal and wax worms. What amount? He has eaten 120 crickets since I've had him. What is the schedule? I am putting around 20 dusted with Flukers Calcium+D3 at a time, when those are gone I put more in. How are you gut-loading your feeders?: With Flukers cricket feed and the yellow gel stuff
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?: Flukers Calcium+D3, I don't have a vitamin I am looking at getting this for him though -> 3 supplement
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? Spray filtered water in morning and at night. How often and how long to you mist? Twice a day for about 45 seconds. Do you see your chameleon drinking? No.
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Brown and white. Solid deuces. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? Not that I know of.
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. I got him at PetsMart and the lady said he was super healthy. He started off with substrate, then I was reading that is bad news, so I took it all out. Now he just has christmas wrapping paper on the bottom.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) 5 glass sides and a screen top. What are the dimensions? 30" long X 12" wide X 12" tall. I just got this cage and will have it by christmas
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? Reptiglo 35watt 5.0 UVB, The heat bulb I am not too sure of but it keeps the guy warm, Night heat bulb that glows red. What is your daily lighting schedule? On during the day around 9am off at 11pm or so with red light on at night.
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Cage floor is 70F, basking spot is 90F. Lowest overnight temp? 60F. How do you measure these temps? A. analog temp gauge stuck to the sides of the cage.
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? 40-80 How are you creating and maintaining these levels? misting twice a day What do you use to measure humidity? gauge on the side of the cage
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Not yet, I've got a ficus almost ready to roll. Just need to wash the leaves, and re-pot with organic soil.
Placement - Where is your cage located? On a bookshelf at the end of the hall. Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? No, yes window. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? 5'
Location - Where are you geographically located? In Cleveland, OH USA

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about. I think that Kinji has MBD, I am still within the 14 days guarantee that PetsMart offers so I might take him in at have a vet look at him.

I think he is 3 months old, not totally sure though. His name is Kinji :)


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He looks around 2 months, in my opinion. He looks like a healthy chameleon seeing as he has a nice green colour to him.
No he has MBD i dont know much about it or how to treat it but i can tell he is it. Someone will come and explain to you everything that you need to do.
You need to correct the imbalance of nutrients and then keep them in balance to keep the MBD from returning.
Updated Info at the Top

Hello! Thank for the help so far. I filled out the requested info. See first post. Thank you so much! Kinji thanks you also!
omg you got him from petsmart!!!!! you need to go in there and tell them that they sold you a chameleon with MBD and i would ask for your money back if you take the poor guy back he will most likely go to someone who does not care at all.
He looks around 2 months, in my opinion. He looks like a healthy chameleon seeing as he has a nice green colour to him.
i recommend some extra research time for you. you need to know what a healthy chameleon looks like Mr. Meat lol. not only have you given out wrong information based on your perception, but it will be beneficial for you, come a time where you want to get another chameleon/reptile

yes, he does have MBD. It cant be reversed. but can be treated and put to a stop. Please fill this out
correct, but even though MBD can be reversed, physical deformities like this stay, unfortunate, but bitter-sweet.

i suggest a vet visit for a blood test. a vet will be able to distinguish the proper remedy. and a blood test will also check your chameleons nutrients levels. MBD is a sufficient lack, or over abundance of D3, in a bad case like this, i would be worried about organ damage as well. If not now, you'll soon find out that large franchise stores (petsmart, petco.) will carry terrible conditioned reptiles, so a sufficient lack in vitamins is my guess, along with an overuse of Calcium D3. pet stores that dont know dick all on what they are doing, usually ONLY suppliment with calcium D3, (as that's what they're taught) and IF GUTLOADING, use a cheap commercial brand like fluker's, or will just use plain oats and potato. or worse yet JUST potato.
He looks around 2 months, in my opinion. He looks like a healthy chameleon seeing as he has a nice green colour to him.

Just because he is green, does not a healthy chameleon make. the legs are obviously deformed. Please research more on MBD so you can learn.

Now to the OP. This isnt your fault. you have had him for 11 days, so he was sold to you this way.
I suggest a vet visit. This will allow you to get some meds that may help stop the MBD.
First, you need you gutload better. please find sandrachameleon's blog on gutloading and buy some of the items on it.
Second for supplements, you need a calcium without d3 for every feeding (you cant buy this in a store, must be ordered online) a calicum with d3 twice a month, and a multivitamin twice a month.
Your vet will probably prescribe liquid calcium, which will help get your cham back on track.
but a vet visit is needed to determine what levels are out of whack with him.
I would contact the manager at the Petsmart you purchased the chameleon from and tell them the situation that he is positive for mbd. I would demand your money back and that the animal be brought to their vet. Most petsmarts have a vet that 'certifies' that the animals are healthy upon arrival to their store.
This is heartbreaking to hear. I am not going to return him! Petsmart has a 14 day policy where if your pet is sick within the time frame then they will have a vet see the animal and pay for damages. I am taking Kinji in tomorrow! I just ordered Phoenix Worms that I think will help. I want to get this fixed and make Kinji happy and healthy. Thank you everyone for the help and thank you for your continued support.
This is heartbreaking to hear. I am not going to return him! Petsmart has a 14 day policy where if your pet is sick within the time frame then they will have a vet see the animal and pay for damages. I am taking Kinji in tomorrow! I just ordered Phoenix Worms that I think will help. I want to get this fixed and make Kinji happy and healthy. Thank you everyone for the help and thank you for your continued support.

Good luck! I hope everything goes the way it needs to for you! Please keep us updated.
Are these great/recommended supplements Kinji needs? Here I worry about the label with out D3 added because it says for outdoor use only...
Any other suggestions? I am looking for the best for him. I need calcium without D3, and vitamins. I've got calcium with D3, anything else????
Are these great/recommended supplements Kinji needs? Here
Any other suggestions? I am looking for the best for him.

I have not had any experience with the miner all.
I persoanlly use repashy all in one calcium plus. it has al the stuff chams need and can be used daily.
i used to use the three seperate ones, but now i use repashy and its mcuh better.
you can buy it from repashy. they are a site sponsor.
its called repashy all in one calcium plus for geckos.
Adventures, I'm going to recommend you look over this thread:

It's a long read. Maybe read the first couple of pages, then the last 5 or 6 first. That will give you the gist of what happened and possibly inspire you to read the rest.

It's a similar situation to yours, they bought a chameleon that turned out to have severe MBD (worse than yours appears to be) and decided not to return it but try to help it. It's a great story. I hope you'll find it encouraging.
All the recommendations are great and I think you need some calc injections as well but Liquid calcium would be good and I would recommend it in addition to the supplements that have been suggested. I also can not emphasize enough to get him as much natural sun exposure as possible.

So I took Kinji into PetsMart with the receipt and pointed out that he had MBD with then intention that a vet will look him over and I will get him back. A lady came out and took him saying that a manager will look at it, the manager came out saying that the chameleon is now property of PetsMart and that they will take him to a vet and have blood work done, if the blood work shows MBD then they will send him to the hospital. If he makes a recovery by their standards then I will have the option to repurchase him... if not then they send him back to the breeders... So I am having them call me as soon as the blood work is done. I really hope he makes it! I want my cham back! His new cage came in the mail today and I replanted the ficus in organic soil.
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