Is this MBD?

Okay so I am going to take Kinji back in! I now have two chameleons! Cooooool!!!! I've got the original glass cage still that I am going to put Kinji in. When he gets bigger (and I can afford) another cage I'll get a bigger screened in one.
Okay so I am going to take Kinji back in! I now have two chameleons! Cooooool!!!! I've got the original glass cage still that I am going to put Kinji in. When he gets bigger (and I can afford) another cage I'll get a bigger screened in one.

Sounds like a plan! Yea like i said, a wider cage can be better for mbd chams til lthey heal.
Now, you need to learn to treat it.
liquid calcium (possibly by injection). best gutloaidng, best uvb suply. etc.
find rivens mbd thread and read it. its like 30 pages long.. but youll figure out how to help kinji.
GOod luck!
You are starting out with a bang. At least you will have a healthy on to know how they should both look. Do you have 2 cage set up's?
I've got one cage set up, the only thing I need for the other cage is another UVB bulb and basking light. I think. I'll need another plant also, hummmmm... I need to figure this out. The original cage is long and glass...
I have read the post about the veiled cham that the owner thought was impacted, but ended up being MBD also. Great story :) I'll reread it to pick some pointers up for Kinji. I am headed to PetsMart right now to pick him up :)
I just want to say that I applaud you for the extra effort you are undergoing to do what you can to help Kinji have the best possible life. It is much easier to have a healthy pet to start with. You are undertaking a a big commitment and your efforts in helping Kinji will somehow... someway in life be rewarded. Thank you for doing what you can to help this little one that many others would not even attempt to try to care for. He didn't ask to born and suffer from improper care... yet you are doing all you can to give him a life worth living. Bless you!

I also would like to personally thank the members who are supporting the OP and guiding him to what he needs to know and learn to help in this special needs case. You are amazing and I am so thankful this Forum has members with the knowledge and experience to know how and where to go for help. Thank you all!! You are the greatest!
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