Is this natural?


New Member
Sorry I just went to mist Zoey and I saw his bump on her throat.



Pictures make it hard to see. Its right under her jaw and in front of her front leg. I've never noticed the bump before, so for all I know its natural.

I worry too much, thanks in advance.
If you don't ask questions ... you don't get answers.
You are seeing her hyoid bone.
This is the "mechanism" that allows her to shoot her tongue forward.

If you don't ask questions ... you don't get answers.
You are seeing her hyoid bone.
This is the "mechanism" that allows her to shoot her tongue forward.


Wow, thanks Brad. I was kinda worried I thought her jaw might be swollen. :) I feel like 10x better now. Must have never really looked that hard before :)
not trying to freak you out or something..
but what is that bump on the body on top of her back leg thigh? it's probably nothing though.
Actually it kinda did freak me out :| I just went and looked at her, its all smooth. It probably the end of one of her ribs, she was kinda "arched" up a bit.

I stuck my hand in to feel, and she swayed at me. lol
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