Is this normal?

I have a 4-5 month old female that looks absolutley healthy.I was just wondering if it was normal that for the most she just lounges around unless food is around.
That is their MO. In the wild they dont move around much to prevent from being noticed. They sit in one place waiting for prey, then move on after that to the next perch. As long as she is healthy, Eyes open, not sunken in, Awake looking around, no labored breathing, good colors, etc. she is probably just hanging out.

Lounges around= sprawling on a lounge chair out in the sun, margarita in one hand and a trashy novel in the other with enough time to just work on your tan! :D
Heika said:
Lounges around= sprawling on a lounge chair out in the sun, margarita in one hand and a trashy novel in the other with enough time to just work on your tan! :D
you forgot about the hunky pool boy Raoule
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