Is this normal?


New Member
So ive had my cam for since august. Hes a veiled cam about 5 months old. He eats pretty regularly even though hes very shy and wont eat infront if me, the crickets disapear after a day or two. I assume hes drinking when im not around because his eyes look good and his urates dont look bad( maybe a little yellowish sometimes but its mostly white).

Now my concern is that whenever he roams his cage he immediately turns black. Even if im not in the room. Ill come home and find him exploring his cage and he is completely black. Ive checked his temps the basking hovers between 80-83 and the low is 70. Is this normal for them to turn black like that? I cant find anything that could be stressing him out. There is plenty of folliage in the cage

I would assume it's normal. I also got my cham in August and he's around a similar age as yours. My guy started roaming towards the bottom of his cage for a few weeks and would have dark black splotches all over him. When he would climb back up his cage, he would return to his normal green or a light brown when basking. So long as he's eating, drinking, and being active, I would assume it's a phase they go through.
is the setup in the cage set so he can climb closer and farther from the basking light to adjust his temp? dark color is either stress or hes cold... if hes not settles in yet just leave him be and do his maintenance(feeding and watering) and try to stay out of his cage for awhile... when i first got mine he was dark and stressed from the show and all the moving around... 1 week and half later he wasnt as grumpy and didnt puff up during maintenance.
My veiled turns dark when shes basking (darker colors absorb heat better as we all know) there was another post that said its pretty common to see them darken while basking (forgot where post is) what supplements are you giving and how often of each.
Yes im sure hes a male. Ill post some pictures when i can but he does have spurs on his feet. And yes there aremany different levels both warm and cold and plenty of places to hide. I only open the cage when its time to feed and clean because he gets very stressed if i put my hands in there
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