@EarlMT doesn't have a bigger chameleon than you, trust me. His Cham was just displaying and puffing. Always makes them look like twice as large as they are. I would say he's a bit smaller than your guy as far and girth, which shoulda he's probably a month or so younger. Usually around 5 months is when most veileds and panthers I have noticed put on the girth weight. And then they start growing longer and their poor bodies are starving all the time... It's amazing how much they can pack away XD
So I am a new chameleon owner and have had stretch for a week as of Friday. He is a male roughly 2.5 months old. All is good with setup and health as I've posted previous threads. I have had my humidity in the 60s since he started his shed yesterday around 1030-11 am. I thought since he was younger it should have been complete by now? I'm a little concerned after reading all the post about possible loss of circulation. I have also been told he looks bigger than the age I was told, is this possible? I have posted a pic of the shedding I think is stuck to his mouth, feet and tail. if anyone could please let me know if this is normal or If I should be concerned that would really help ease the nerves right now. Thanks

As they get older, they shed in patches. It is probably normal. You need to be concerned about a shed getting stuck around toes, legs and the tail where they can cut off the circulation and you can lose the tail, leg, or toes. My vet pulls off any shed she sees, especially around the feet. You don't need to worry about the face other than the eyes. Lots of misting. Break open the circle of any shed that forms a ring around a tail/leg/toe so there isn't any constriction.
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