Is this something to worry about?


New Member
Hello there folks!
I have a little of a situation here, my female cham is perfectly moving, perfectly eating, i can't see her drink but i don't see any signs of dehydritation and i supplement her with the needed descrition, but my guess is that she's a little bit fat.. She has grown a little lump in her neck, and in the overall my guess is that she's turning too chubby, for she ain't pregnant, she has never mated, and judging by the size i should've felt some jelly beans that she hasn't..

i'm not too secure about this little lump in her lower part of the "neck" so i'm looking for your help on this..

here are some pictures..

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - female veiled, about 1 year
Feeding - 4 to 5 crickets, Blaptica dubia and ocasionally zophobas
Watering - a big dripper and 2 to 3 manual mists during the day, about 5 finutes
Fecal Description - big brown smelly cakes and nearly white urates
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? none
History - No health issues until now
I've been reading about edema alot, but i don't know.. my best guess goes for fat but i need an experienced eye.

Even if it's edema, probably caused by the vitamins, for the suplements that i can get in portugal are equivalent to those referred, but not the same brands, what should I do? I've read about the disease but I haven't seen any suggests of treatment..

oh, and she looks sleepy becouse she was asleep, but it was the only way to get her to take a nice photo of the condition..
Does she have a place in the cage to lay eggs if she needs to? Veiled females can produce eggs even when not mated.

The swelling under the neck is likely edema. If she is just fat (and not carrying eggs) it can cause constipation, prolapses, egg-laying problems...and maybe more.

What is in the supplements you are using in the way of D3, calcium, phosphorous and PREFORMED vitamin A? Does she get UVB? From what?
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