Is this to high

I'm buying a blue bar amibilobe male, about 1 year old for $220, including cage, lights, calcium powder etc. etc. I think I'm getting mine for a pretty good deal, but 250 is reasonable for baby males, maybe 200 for females?
Screameleons, Kammerflage and FL Chams are now all offering long health guarantees for chams bought with their kits. It's the reason I decided to spend a little more when I bought my ambiXnosy be from Vince back in October. As a new owner I wasn't sure of my husbandry abilities, and a 30 day guarantee helped ease my mind. Didn't need it though, he's been healthy and happy from the first day. For $350 I'd expect great customer support like the major breeders provide.
**Shameless Plug **

We sell ours $165 or $175 for males and $145 for females till about 5 months old.. at 6 months old the price goes up a little.

You don’t charge $300 because you won’t sell any panthers for that price, people would laugh at you. Which is also the reason that I can’t sell most baby panthers for $300, I am not an Ed or Vince, and for basically the same reasons that OldSkool said people buy from them because they are 100% sure that they are going to get an animal top of the line. I don’t hide the fact that most of my core breeders come from the Kammers and the Wild, but can I charge $300 even though they are the same lines? Nope... Am I mad or butt hurt about that? Heck no, they both have been doing it for years! That is all that Ed and Liddy do, they have earned the right to sell animals for whatever they want, and trust me they sell more than enough @ $300 to keep the lights on and crickets coming. The point is, I can sell mine for whatever I want, you can sell yours for whatever you want and the same is true for Ed, Vince or anybody. Who am I to say “hey that animal is over priced?” when I have no idea what your overhead is. Perhaps at $300 you are still loosing money..?.. I get a little worked up about this because it is nobody’s business to judge or criticize a person for selling an animal at what you think is expensive. If you can’t afford it don’t buy it, it is that simple. You can find tons of places that will sell you a cheap panther that came from... Well... Who knows..?..!..?..

Close the thread now.
**Shameless Plug **

Maybe so, I didn't mean it as such.
I have always been mindful not to blatantly advertise our website since we are not yet a site sponsor (besides sometimes adding it to my signature).

back to topic: People can charge whatever they want, I agree. If it works and people buy, then, no problem.

I would like to add that Chameleon Company has, imho, the best prices and great bloodlines. Jim is also very easy to work with and you can get a great animals from him. :)

Edit:I guess thats not really back to topic since the question was if a price was too high and not 'where can I get the best price on a chameleon..oops
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