
Can they yes. Do they.. Not so much.. The floor of my cages are loaded with isos and I don't think I've ever seen any of my chams touch them...
Is it good to have them down there with substrate when they get older? Breaks down the bad stuff right
Can they yes. Do they.. Not so much.. The floor of my cages are loaded with isos and I don't think I've ever seen any of my chams touch them...
Thank you. I'm just trying to determine what her kinds of bugs they are able to eat if she eventually needs more variety. I have heard that some chameleons can be pickier than others. What other kinds of feeders do you have?
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My staple feeders are crickets, dubias, and silkworms.. I also frequently use blue bottle flies, hornworms, Butterworms, black soldier fly larvae, superworms, wax worms.. In the summertime I collect local grasshoppers, stuck bugs, katydids, and mantises
My staple feeders are crickets, dubias, and silkworms.. I also frequently use blue bottle flies, hornworms, Butterworms, black soldier fly larvae, superworms, wax worms.. In the summertime I collect local grasshoppers, stuck bugs, katydids, and mantises
I have most of that except dubias and keep looking for silkworms but they're always sold out. I think my cham is too small for grasshoppers and mantises at the moment. Where would I be able to get blue bottle flies?
Dont feed your chameleon wild isopods tho. They contain heavy metals which wont make any reptile or amphibian any good. If bred they are perfectly fine
Thank you guys for all the responses. I have talked to a seller about getting blue bottles fly larva and dubias for more feeding options. I will not buy the isopods since I do not use substrate of any kind in my chameleons cage and it would be a waste of money if she isn't going to eat them.
Fish flakes are not an appropriate feed for Isopods, to retain a good microfauna colony always have sanitized leaf litter and you can toss in a few minced mushrooms every other week.

I currently breed 6 species of Isopod and 1 species of Springtail.

Dwarf Cham's will readily take down Iso's for a quick snack :).
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