It is official!


Established Member
Panther chameleon arrived today. I let him out of the shipping container and he climbed right out and into the enclosure. I didn't think he would be hungry but I put a half dozen crickets into the full throttle feeder and he ate them all! I had to go during lunch and had to get back to work. I've already seen him on the Webcam checking out his new digs. Thanks to everyone who gave me all the help in getting set up. The one last piece is a solar-meter which will be here Monday. I think the Arcadia 6% is in a good spot (about 8 inches from the highest branch) and the rest of the parameters have been good for almost 2 months the enclosure has been set up. Got him from a fourm member so he is captive raised. I'll get some better pictures later tonight.
I got home about an hour ago and I swear he has barely stopped moving. I put a couple more crickets in the feeder but he wasn't interested. I thought he might be Hungry since he is moving around so much. Want to give a big shout out to PlowShredder here on the forum where I got him from. He was great to deal with and obviously knows what he is doing because this guy is obviously healthy and well taken care of!
I have a Wyze cam in the enclosure and lo and behold he has just been basking right in front of it for over an hour! This guy is just so nice looking! Has a good personality so far too! Doesn't seem to be afraid and just looks at you if you come up to the Cage. I put my hand in a couple of times and he didn't try to climb on, but he didn't look like it bothered him either.
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