Its a bugiful day!!!!


:D Never thought I would be so happy to see some bugs lol Lets see just checked the mail and I got my Halloween hissers from Texas Ranger (thanks so much for these) :D These things are freak awesome and I would suggest getting some. I will see how the chams like a few tomorrow but I am sure they will destroy them :p





Bugiful day part 2

Also when I looked in on my mantis egg case today I has exploded. :D There are so many of these things running around I can keep count :p Thanks again Jannb for the egg case




I love the hissers so much, I am feeling guilty about feeding them off. I have some adults and babies, waiting to let everyone get producing. I know it will be a long time investment. Hope I don't end up with a lot of roaches as pets! The dubia I don't feel so bad about, but the hissers are really very fascinating....
Well I have to say the halloween hissers were a big hit with all the chams today everyone instantly ate them. I have to say I like them alot more than normal hissers these seemed to squeak instead of hiss when I moved them around.
bugiful day is beautiful. i like play on words a lot LOL but i like the special insects better!!!! :D
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