It's complete, I set the bamboo walks, put in the feeder cup, May I will be buying a baby from epicchameleons.
Mistking has been going off 3x a day doing wonders for the plants.
I sanded the bamboo stalks to a baby smooth finish (the knuckles can be quite rough)
There are stones in the plants to cover the dirt.
Pondliner on the drain has been working flawlessly with a brand new car oil pan drain set underneath it, no leaks anywhere.
Just set the temp / humidity gauges up and they will be easy to read, the small one is rough to read unless you are right there.
Only thing I still need is another timer for basking light / dusk / dawn lights.
It's been a lot of fun and seems endless as to what all I bought for it hehe.
now for what to name my cham 8)
Mistking has been going off 3x a day doing wonders for the plants.
I sanded the bamboo stalks to a baby smooth finish (the knuckles can be quite rough)
There are stones in the plants to cover the dirt.
Pondliner on the drain has been working flawlessly with a brand new car oil pan drain set underneath it, no leaks anywhere.
Just set the temp / humidity gauges up and they will be easy to read, the small one is rough to read unless you are right there.
Only thing I still need is another timer for basking light / dusk / dawn lights.
It's been a lot of fun and seems endless as to what all I bought for it hehe.
now for what to name my cham 8)