It's not ok???


New Member
I guess it's not OK to talk about joining a club or getting one together? Moved, delete, delete??? :confused: :(
The first one was moved to the lizard lounge as it was more appropriate to have it there. :)

I found out the hard way too :). A long time ago, we started the SBCK group invite posts in the General Discussion area and then they got moved to the Lizard Lounge area. I was concerned that new keepers to the forum were missing the invitations when the posts ended-up in the LL area, but sooner or later they eventually find them :eek:.
I also think you need to supply a little more information. Like city you live in. I think you could fit a few east coast states into the area or size of northern California.

I found out the hard way too :). A long time ago, we started the SBCK group invite posts in the General Discussion area and then they got moved to the Lizard Lounge area. I was concerned that new keepers to the forum were missing the invitations when the posts ended-up in the LL area, but sooner or later they eventually find them :eek:.
That's good, I was taking this personal.
I also think you need to supply a little more information. Like city you live in. I think you could fit a few east coast states into the area or size of northern California.
I don't even know how to get a club started. I am just brain storming it right now. I think we need one in Northern Cali. I was hoping there was already one in the area.
I don't even know how to get a club started...

Just mention free hors d'oeuvres "and they will come" :). Our group started out in July 2007, with the two co-founders and two other local keepers meeting on a Sunday afternoon. It slowly grew from there at a rate of maybe one or two people per meeting. With keepers coming and going, we seem to hover around 20-25 at a meeting. The "co-op" bulk feeder buys is a pretty big part of the draw but we do have presentations and round-table discussions. It's probably about 60% a social event :).

Just mention free hors d'oeuvres "and they will come" :). Our group started out in July 2007, with the two co-founders and two other local keepers meeting on a Sunday afternoon. It slowly grew from there at a rate of maybe one or two people per meeting. With keepers coming and going, we seem to hover around 20-25 at a meeting. The "co-op" bulk feeder buys is a pretty big part of the draw but we do have presentations and round-table discussions. It's probably about 60% a social event :).
If I lived down their I would join up with you guys. ;) :D
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