New Member
I was given two jacksons to take care of a male and female. My mom got them from someone who has had them about 5mo and didn't want them. All I can say is I don't know how they have managed to survive. I don't eventhink they were kept underlight and I know were not watered correctly. The female is fine other then minor dehydration and active but the male is who I concern on. He is very lathargic, keeping his eyes shut and not moving to much. His eyes are severely sunken in and he can barely keep his head up. I have separated the two and have them in the proper cages with lighting and daily listings a few times a day. What if anything can I do to help the male or is he to far gone for help? Any advice is appreciated and welcomed. They have been in my care since last night. Vet visit is scheduled for Friday that was the earliest they could see me with the holidays here.