Jackson chameleon pregnant & not eating


New Member
This is our first time with a Jackson Chameleon. We had two and they breed with each other back in March. Then the boy escaped. The girl has been doing fine eating good. Until the last two weeks. Hardly eating or drinking. Almost not eating at all. I was going to take her to the Vet then I read that when they are about to give birth they stop eating. Then all of a sudden on Monday she ate 3 crickets. She is moving very slow but is very big. She is sleeping all the time. I just put 4 more fresh cricket in and she isn't showing any interest. She also isn't showing any interest in water. I just drop it on her head. Has anybody had this happen to them?
Is she close to giving birth? Sorry, not too familiar on how long it takes for them to give birth... But I'm sure if you had a couple babies in you, your stomach wouldn't have much room for anything, either! :p
She couldn't be close to the birth when she has mated first in March. It's too fast. They usually need a few months more.
Keep her hydrated. My gravid Rudis I had last November(who died before birth:( )didnt eat for like the last month and a half. I assume she was close to giving birth because she would start to forage around her cage alot, bask upside down etc. Just keep offering food from time to time and keep those mistings coming!
Wishing you and the Jackson all the best luck, Anil
yeah that sounds exactly like 4 weeks before birth? is it possible she mated before you got her?, cut down on her feeder size and just try one at a time, when my xanth was pregnant she would get freaked out by to many or too big of feeders, you might have to try the head down trick for watering, and use heated misting water , how long has she had gravid colors ?, if shes already got gravid colors, she mated before march! each one is a subject in itself
This is very helpful. It is possible that she was pregnant before we got her. Does anyone know how far up they need to be for them to drop the babies? at birth? I have her in an aquarium and dont know from what I have read if she is suppose to be higher than that. I got her to drink quite a bit last night and I put 4 crickets in and 2 were gone.
Females will walk around the cage, deposit a baby, move a little bit, deposit another and so on. I have screened cages and 95% of the time, the females walked on the screen to deposit the babies. When the female deposits a baby, it is in a clear membrane and the membrane sticks to the side of the cage. The baby will break out of the membrane very quickly.
In your first post, you mentioned that the female sleeps all the time. That shouldn't be happening, even if she is gravid.
Once a female breeds, it usually takes anywhere from 6 to 9 months for the babies to be born.
properly setup aquariums are fine for the neonates, but the mom should be setup in a real cham cage (setup & modified for jacksons ) and the top of the cage sould be higher than eye level, once she starts laying, it should all be done in an hr or two ,a spoon & bamboo skewers are good things to have on hand , not to metion true pinhead crickets, and about at least 3 hydei cultures
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