Jackson Chameleon proper care help.


New Member

i was looking to get a jackson, i owned a jackson before, but i (the idiot) jumped up and got it not knowing the proper way to take care of it. this was about four years ago when i was just stupid and immature! i did research on care for a jackson chameleon, but i hearing different things. so is there anyone who can give me some proper care tips on this chameleon will be appreciaed.
I need help asap!!!!

I am a first time owner of a jackson chameleon. He was all green when I got him now he has black spots. What does this mean???:confused:


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    20140115_183010 (1).jpg
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I am a first time owner of a jackson chameleon. He was all green when I got him now he has black spots. What does this mean???:confused:

It's hard to say from just a picture. My jackson looks like this when he is "fired up" or stressed. What's his cage set up like?
I am a first time owner of a jackson chameleon. He was all green when I got him now he has black spots. What does this mean???:confused:

It's a mood change to defensive, feel the possibility of a threat, or stressed.
Mine do that when I approach them too quickly, they didn't see me coming,
they see a bug that's too big to eat, they see another animal (or cham),
anything that could alert them of a possible threat.

It's best to back away from him and leave him alone when he shows dark
patches like that. He should be returning to his neutral, all green color when
he feels safe. So if he is like this all the time, you are doing something he doesn't like :eek:

I am assuming he is over 6 months old?

Very young ones will turn a dark color all over their body when they are basking.
But that 'spotted' pattern usually means stress.
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