jackson chameleons, shedding?


New Member
Okay y'all, I have had my 2 female Jackson's for about a week or so.. they're doing good, eating & drinking well, their colorations look good, they're adjusting well, & so far, they have a pretty chill attitude. Ones a bit more outgoing than the other, but they are doing well as far as I can tell.. I have a question, though.. when should I expect shedding, & how do I address this? They are about a year old, and haven't shed not once that I know of. Is this something to worry about? Am I not feeding them enough, therefore they aren't growing & shedding? Or am I over obsessing?
At that age they may not shed very often. Mine will shed at different intervals and usually only parts of his body, not the whole body at once. It really isnt a set time period between. Jackson's can also have a hard time shedding and take a while to complete so make sure to increase the mistings once they start shedding.
Okay, thank you! At what age do you think they might start shedding? It's worrying me that there might be something wrong with them?
Do you know how old the girls are? Jacksons grow a lot slower than other cham species and thus they shed less often. My female veiled would shed every month as a baby until she got to 6 months of age, whereas Monty (my Jackson) shed every 7 weeks or so as a baby and his latest shed was 4 months after his last one. He is a little over a year old now.
As far as I know, they are both approx one yr of age.. they haven't shed, that I know of.. unless the breeder I got them from lied, as she said they haven't shed at all since they were babies. Hmm
thats impossible. if they havnt shed since babies, then theuy wouldnt be growing.

they have to shed to grow.

more than likely they shed and the previous person never saw it, juvie chams can start and finish shedding within hours.
the person you got them from was lying. chams need to shed, period. and when they're young, they shed very often, but sometimes very fast, so she may not have seen them shed, but they indeed did. but after they get older, they may only shed every few months. it took 5 months for me to see my linus shed and i had gotten him around 8 months of age.
As far as I know, they are both approx one yr of age.. they haven't shed, that I know of.. unless the breeder I got them from lied, as she said they haven't shed at all since they were babies. Hmm

Your breeder's lack of knowledge on shedding patterns of a chameleon is slightly alarming. I would wonder what else they aren't familiar with in an animal they are selling for money. There are much more detailed traits and needs than shedding. :S
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