Jackson Chemelon seems sick, pooping orange things


New Member
I have 2 female jackson's. One seems fine, the other seems sick. I noticed tonight that there were 3 little orange sack things on the ground. I can't tell if they are unfertilzed eggs or somethings else. She is also not wanting to eat any crickets. Should I be worried???? Help please...
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.

clear pictures are gonna get you very far.

are they seperate, together?
There are others as well recently new members that have also purchased just two female jacksons.
Sounds like she dropped some 'slugs', they're unfertilized ovum. I think it's normal, but I don't know much about jacksons.
Hi! I have read on here about female jackson's doing this occasionally. I would give her the same after care as if she had given birth to babies, I'm not a jackson's keeper so I can't really help you further. Hopefully she will be back to normal soon! Keep an eye on her and if she doesn't improve I think a vet visit could be in order. I would keep a close eye on the other female too just in case.

How long have you had them? I've seen a lot of people here aquiring female jackson's and them giving birth out of the blue!
Sounds like she dropped slugs, not common, but not abnormal either.

She's probably not eating because she had to drop slugs.

Just keep her hydrated, give as many diff types of well gutloaded bugs and give her some time to relax
shes probably about to have babies hope you have fruit flies available and pinheads. Id keep a close eye.

IF so seperate the babies so nothing can happen, and come back here and get the info you need. :)

there is a bunch of good care guides on jacksons. Ill post you some links to your pm in a few.
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