Jackson gave birth


New Member
Hey all !
First off I'm new to raising chameleon. I got a female jackson's chameleon on feb 25, so about 4 month ago. Well on June 22 she unexpectedly gave birth to 10 babies while I was at work. So after work I was totally unprepared to set anything up for the newborn. Few days ago 3 pass away so I have 7 pretty healthy babies. The 3 that pass away had some serious uncoordinated limb problem, so I knew they weren't going to make it. I started off feeding them fruitfly but now their main diet is silkworms. They seem to enjoy silkworm more but I'm still offering them fruitfly. well here's a few pic's.


This little guy basking in the sun =)




I'll take any question and suggestion. Thanks.
Hello & welcome to the forum. Wow new to chameleons and you have baby jacksons. That will be some fast learning. send a pm to xanthoman, he can help you a lot. They are to cute for words. My suggestion - put them in a box and send them to me - just kidding. All I can offer is keep them cool, humid and feed lots. I have never seen a baby jackson eat a silk worm, that must be fun.
I hope to bred my jacksons in the fairly near future. Good luck with yours. . Thanks for the pictures and let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the reply. I wasn't planning on breeding the Chameleon but I guess she was already gravid when I got her from LLLReptile.I do keep them cool most of the day except in the morning when I put them outside to get some morning sunlight for 1-2 hours. But I pull them to the shade every 15 minutes or so, that also the only time I feed them too. Because I work from 3pm-11pm so I only feed them in the morning or before I leave for work. I am only using a 15" 5.0 UVB Blub, no heat blub at all.
Yes, this is like learning to drive for the first time on a bus...not impossible at all, but not the normal path of learning.

I think you need to meet Xanthoma. He can help you..

Your pictures are amazing, by the way. I think it's obvious you have other animals that don't usually get photographed on the couch (like a dog).
How are the babies? You know I love them and will be asking you every day how the are don't you?:) I wish it were me, I am green with envy - bad me. You are keeping them the same way i would , but be careful of the temps outside, I don't know your temps in Oakland.
What a lucky guy you are! The babies are just as cute as can be. When it comes time to re-house them I'm sure you will have california folks lined up for a shot! LOL
Congrats !!! They look great.. There are quite a few good threads on here if you do a search on "raising jackson's" But like everyone has said ... xanthoman is the best person to contact on here.

Good luck to you and your little babies !!! :D
Thanks for the comment guys. The weather here in Oakland is awful warm one week cold the next week. Like today it's cloudy and around 60's so I can't take them outside. I was wondering, How long should I keep them together. I wasn't planning on breeding or having any babies so am not too sure what to do after they get bigger, but I'll keep you guys updated on them.
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