Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson chameleon, male, unknown (only 3.5" body). In care for 2 months.
Handling - no more than 2-3 times a week
Feeding - feeding crickets 4 in the morning, with cricket quencher as gut-loader. Currently put in grasshoppers
Supplements - only use cricket gut-load. I have Sticky tongue farms miner-all, Calcium and D-3, but haven't used it with gut-loader.
Watering - Humidifier on high. Misting 3-4 times a day. Don't always see him drinking.
Fecal Description - Brown/black droppings. Sometimes white/orangish more liquidy. Never tested for parasites
History - Came from Hawaii 3 months ago. Sent to us by father in law. Was a wild chameleon
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage. 22"x15"x15".
Lighting - 1 Zoo Med 5.0 UVB light, and low voltage heat lamp during the day. Lighting is on from 8:30AM - 7PM
Temperature - The room is on average 75 - 80 degrees, hotter closer to heat lamp. Lowest overnight temp is 70degrees Guess based on temp reader 1 room over on A/C.
Humidity - 32 - 60 % humidity. Humidifier on high during day to maintain levels. Using humidity reader which stays in comfort zone most of the time.
Plants - one live plant, ficus benjamina. WE have a larger fake ficus downstairs that we will let him crawl on for hours on some days.
Placement - Cage is located in an open closet, with a small fan to create air movement. Top of cage is 4' off the ground.
Location - Located in Colorado's Foothills. It is a dry climate.
Current Problem - The Jackson has been eating and moving with no problems during the day. 2 days ago I noticed the Chameleon hadn't eaten his crickets in 2 days, due to the number and was sleeping more. His eyes look fine. I thought maybe he got bored with crickets and caught some grasshoppers to change it up. He has still not eaten and is sleeping most of the day. If I take him out of the cage he will crawl around more. His coloring is a normal green and his eyes do not look sunken.
PLEASE HELP! What could be wrong with my chameleon.
Your Chameleon - Jackson chameleon, male, unknown (only 3.5" body). In care for 2 months.
Handling - no more than 2-3 times a week
Feeding - feeding crickets 4 in the morning, with cricket quencher as gut-loader. Currently put in grasshoppers
Supplements - only use cricket gut-load. I have Sticky tongue farms miner-all, Calcium and D-3, but haven't used it with gut-loader.
Watering - Humidifier on high. Misting 3-4 times a day. Don't always see him drinking.
Fecal Description - Brown/black droppings. Sometimes white/orangish more liquidy. Never tested for parasites
History - Came from Hawaii 3 months ago. Sent to us by father in law. Was a wild chameleon
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage. 22"x15"x15".
Lighting - 1 Zoo Med 5.0 UVB light, and low voltage heat lamp during the day. Lighting is on from 8:30AM - 7PM
Temperature - The room is on average 75 - 80 degrees, hotter closer to heat lamp. Lowest overnight temp is 70degrees Guess based on temp reader 1 room over on A/C.
Humidity - 32 - 60 % humidity. Humidifier on high during day to maintain levels. Using humidity reader which stays in comfort zone most of the time.
Plants - one live plant, ficus benjamina. WE have a larger fake ficus downstairs that we will let him crawl on for hours on some days.
Placement - Cage is located in an open closet, with a small fan to create air movement. Top of cage is 4' off the ground.
Location - Located in Colorado's Foothills. It is a dry climate.
Current Problem - The Jackson has been eating and moving with no problems during the day. 2 days ago I noticed the Chameleon hadn't eaten his crickets in 2 days, due to the number and was sleeping more. His eyes look fine. I thought maybe he got bored with crickets and caught some grasshoppers to change it up. He has still not eaten and is sleeping most of the day. If I take him out of the cage he will crawl around more. His coloring is a normal green and his eyes do not look sunken.
PLEASE HELP! What could be wrong with my chameleon.