Jacksons - bump on back.


Hi! Seeking advice for hopefully a minor issue.

Mr. Lahey ( Trioceros jacksonii ) has developed a small, hard bump on the upper left side of his body. Image attached. To the light touch it is quite firm, akin to a pimple ready to pop but deep under the skin.

Eating very well. Diet and vitamins very tightly regulated. Otherwise very healthy.

I noticed this bump yesterday. I rarely handle him so not sure if happened overnight, but i keep a very close eye on him so know it developed rather rapidly ( within a week or two )

Would be great to hear any insights from experts here before seeking treatment. My vet is very good with exotics but chameleons dont walk in the door everyday. Any hints or insight from experts here would be very helpful.

Thank you!


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More info:
24x24x48 screen cage
2x mist king nozzles on timer, 2min 5 times a day
Cool mist humidifier custom rigged with 3/4in tubing running 6hrs/day
All water is distilled
Diet: 75% crickets. 15% mealworms, 10% hornworms ( treats )
6 crickets/day, lightly dusted every other feeding without d3, every 5th with d3. Multi vitamin once every 2-3 weeks. Crickets always gut loaded with cricket crack or cricket care.
2x arcadia t5 bulbs
60watt incandescent basking light
Basking temp: 82-85
Ambient daytime temp: 72-74.
Ambient average daytime humidity: 45-50, humidity within 30 minutes of misting 75-80
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Hmm, I'm torn between having the vet look at it (and probably being inconclusive without a biopsy) and saying just keep an eye on it for any changes.

You say this appeared suddenly? There doesn't look to be any injury to the area. Had he had any behavior changes lately?

It could be an abscess of some sort, and encapsulated parasite, a cyst, a virus infection, lots of options - some bad, some not.

Me, I would probably go ahead and go to the vet.
I would back off on the d3, and the multivitamin to only once a month not to be given together in the same month.
Thanks for all of your replies!

I have had him for 20months, believe him to be wc and 2yrs old. He came from a local, independent shop that has since closed ( owners more interested in breeding boas and pythons selling online than running full on pet store ). They said he was cb, but i have my doubts. No way to know for sure.

Had fecals ran when he had his eye infection and was clean then, but cant rule out parasite.

On closer inspection, the bump does not move to the touch, but i also wasnt trying to force it.

No injury to the site, skin is unbroken.

Cannot say for certain how long he's had it. I enjoy caring for my chams and always observe them closely and just noticed it. It may have been there longer just too small to stand out to me. At its current size i would guess it happened or flared up recently and rather quickly. I dont handle my jacksons often, so this is my best estimate.

At this time i think i will back off on the multi vitamins and d3 as suggested, and monitor his condition and behavior closely. He has a very unique personality with his 'usual routine' so will be fairly esy to see if that changes ( eating less, less active, hanging out in weird spots, sleeping during the day, etc ) I have a great vet who loves chameleons so they get very special attention when i bring them in. Money is no issue in this decision to wait 48hrs and monitor closely. He appears otherwise very healthy and blasted 4 crickets straight away this morning.

Any change in the bump or his behavior and its straight to the vet.

Was wondering if this was a common thing but seems like it could be many things, as Lathis suggests.

I will follow up on his condition in 48hrs and go from there. Thanks again. Such a great, helpful community here!
This concerns me. Are there any additional signs that would be present?

Could that be something transmitted by a feeder?

Not really I would get a fecal to a vet right away.
If it is a subcutaneous nematode they are usually transmitted by a wild caught (Flys, Cock Roaches, Crickets, Moths, Snails, ect) feeder they can come from breed feeders too just a lot less likely than bugs you find outside.
OK then maybe not Subcutaneous Nematodes more likely Encysted Nematodes, Sheesh tough room.
Anyway I would get a fecal to the vet or just bring your cham in fo a visit
Its been roughly 48hrs and I don't have a photo because he is sleeping on a hard to reach branch, but on inspection, i noticed the following:
  • The bump is roughly the same size, maybe 10% smaller. Definitely not bigger. It is in the same spot. Skin undisturbed.
  • More concerning is his recurring eye situation ( something we've been fighting since day1 ) seems to be inflamed more than usual. This has always been an issue, it always flares up when there is stress, but looking at him sleeping it is noticeably inflamed. This is a clear sign to me he needs treatment.
  • He has a feeder bite on his lip that has scabbed. While this is pretty normal ( he just chews slow, hence his namesake ), the scabbing shows that something usually minor ( just a little red and no scabbing ) is now not being healed properly.
Definitely time for the vet. Thank you all for your insight :)

Will close out this thread with diagnosis and treatment after our visit. This will likely be Wedensday.

** Edit: I just realized I haven't changed out his t5 bulbs for 7.5 - 8mos. From my understanding these should be changed every 6. Just came to me putting info together for my vet. Lack of proper lighting shouldn't be ruled out, and thats on me. New bulbs on their way. Marking bulb replacements dates in my calendar now. Pricing out a proper UV/B meter - not cheap, holy smokes, but a sound investment for the homies long term.
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You said T5 Arcadia, right? You can get a year out of the 6% and 12% T5's so I wouldn't concern yourself there. Best of luck at the vets and definitely keep us posted!
I have something like this on my veiled female, I'm taking her to the vet on Thursday, getting also an x-ray done. I'll let you know what they said if you're interested.
I have something like this on my veiled female, I'm taking her to the vet on Thursday, getting also an x-ray done. I'll let you know what they said if you're interested.
Oh I've just realised that you're going on Wednesday to the vet. Then I'll be the one stalking this thread lol
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