jacksons chameleon age


New Member
can anyone tell me the age of my new female jacksons?
her name is poppy. :) also ,is she full grown?


I feel like she isn't full grown (even though chameleons never actually stop growing) but because she still has her tan and hasn't fully greened up by the look of the pictures
Maybe a little under a year old? She's pretty! my girl Monet looks quite a bit like her.

Any idea if she is a jacksonii or a xanth?
She is most likely a Xanth - females of the other subspecies have either one rostral horn or all three like the males.
No size scale is visible, but based on the size of the hand in the photo she looks to me like she's roughly 6-7" long (3-3.5" svl). I'd expect a female to reach that size somewhere around 6-8 months old, under good growth conditions. This is about the size and age that they start to reproduce in nature (or as feral animals here in Hawaii) but she's far from done growing. Again, under good growth conditions she'll reach maybe 9" at a year old and perhaps 12" by two years old.

Agreed, that's a female T. jacksonii xantholophus.
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