Jackson's Chameleon inactive bottom of cage, pale in color

Just read the bad news.. I am so so sorry he passed away. My heart goes out to you, for I have lost one myself and know how it feels - the pain was excruciating, especially because I knew it was my own fault, didn't matter that I did it unknowingly because of lack of experience. It still hurt as hell. Yet, I urge you not to blame yourself. As many pointed out - chameleons are not exactly easy to care after, especially for a first time owner. I suggest you do your research and when the right time comes, get a new one and do your best to provide it with a good and loving home.
I am so sorry you lost your little guy. I know how it feels we lost our 1st one a couple of weeks ago and it hurts like hell. I am currently without a chameleon but I am still looking through this forum and learning a lot. I am hoping to get another one in a few weeks. Fingers crossed you can let a new chameleon into your life and when you do you will do fantastically. Also on the plus side this forum is great and always willing to help.
so sorry to hear about your little guy :( I really think you should get another- it is very sad to lose one, no question in that - Jacksons are not quite as "forgiving" in their care, a veiled is a great , hardy cham, and they also have alot of nice color, I think you would really like one when you are ready :) research and stay a part of the forum, you have the love and dedication for a cham, I would NOT listen to your " reptile man" - this is not YOUR fault, it is his if you ask me, he gave you horrid advice on how to keep your little guy Steve, 2 days w/ no lights is WRONG - please do not feel you are not entitled to another chance, there are many wonderful ppl here who feel your pain, but try again and armed with correct knowledge, go on to be very successful keepers :D please do try again when you are ready
I am so, so sorry to hear you lost Steve. :( All chameleons are captivating but there is something extra special with the Jacksons - I have one and I love the little guy so much. I have lost a few chameleons myself and know how gutwrenching and hopeless it feels.
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