Jackson's Chameleon Pics!

This is my little boy "Gunther"he is just the sweetest.Looking a little dusty in this pic,as going into shed:)


And this is "Ursula"my "sub"adult female,she's adorable <3



Ooops,sorry about the pic's being SO big :/
This is my little boy "Gunther"he is just the sweetest.Looking a little dusty in this pic,as going into shed:)


And this is "Ursula"my "sub"adult female,she's adorable <3



I love them both! Look at Ursula's little nose horn :D I

I love this thread!
oh my, I guess Olive is going to not be able to date until she is 18 - oh, no wait , that is my daughter !! - ok , so when should she go on a " date" :p I did show her a pic of Reg/ and one of Monty - lol she liked them both !! I was trying to see if she was gravid, they said she would turn gray if she was- well, she turned a kinda nice peach/pinkish/green - and even came closer to the screen - but not to close- she was intrested in the boys tho- :D
This is my little boy "Gunther"he is just the sweetest.Looking a little dusty in this pic,as going into shed:)

And this is "Ursula"my "sub"adult female,she's adorable <3


Ooops,sorry about the pic's being SO big :/

OMG !! what CUTE little horns on her- and all the boys in this thread- I am going to have to hide my pc from Olive- she will be a surfin the forums !!! :p
here is my mack, about 5 months old.
had him about a month, love him!


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My favourites!

I am really enjoying this thread! A whole thread of Jackson photos - I LOVE Jacksons, they are my favourite species! Of course, a Jackson photo thread wouldn't be complete without pics of my Monty! :D He is 17 months old today, and is the happiest little man ever! Love him to bits! :D:D


Oh my gosh guys! You people are awesome! Can't believe I would recieve so many amazing photos! Love this thread! (I should have started it ages ago);)


My just shy of 6 month old Jackson, Simcoe.

I'm glad to see this picture. I've often thought my Jackson was small but I feel a lot better now. Mine is right at sbout 6 months today and is relatively the same size. Nice little guy you got there.
This is my little boy "Gunther"he is just the sweetest.Looking a little dusty in this pic,as going into shed:)


And this is "Ursula"my "sub"adult female,she's adorable <3



Ooops,sorry about the pic's being SO big :/

Those are amazing pics! Thanks for sharing
Permission to use as wallpaper

Hey guys, can I have permission to use your photos as my desktop wallpaper or at least save some? I didn't know I'd like these pics so much!

Just reply to this message with a yes or no please!

haa haaaaa - I thought I would try to get a nice pic of Olive for the thread - SHE IS NOT AMUSED - :p she is such a crabby thing - but i love her anyway :D I know you can all see the "get out of my face " look in her eyes- lol :p

^-^ I tell her she is never going to get a date with that attitude = lol
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haa haaaaa - I thought I would try to get a nice pic of Olive for the thread - SHE IS NOT AMUSED - :p she is such a crabby thing - but i love her anyway :D I know you can all see the "get out of my face " look in her eyes- lol :p

^-^ I tell her she is never going to get a date with that attitude = lol

LOL, what a cute pic of Olive. She is definitely giving you that look :p
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