Jackson's Chameleon


New Member
hello, i am new to this site but i love it already. does anybody in this forum keep jackson's chameleon? i have been doing a ton of research for the last two weeks and have figured out that a jackson's would be the perfect display animal for me. i am looking for some aditional advice. Thanks.:D
hello and welcome the forums! there are quite a few Jacksons owners on here who are quite knowledgeable and will be able to help you out. I do not keep one but I am sure they will be responding shortly! You have come to the right place to get an education and all the guidance you will need to raise a healthy Jacksons.
Welcome to CF!
We are super glad you have found us;)
This is the best place to learn and share chameleon experience.

I would recommend watching Jdog's Jackson Chameleon Video.
It goes over all aspects of their care, and is great information.

If you have any questions afterwards, please ask!

You can learn a ton by reading the forums, the search function can be iffy, but the more you read posts, the more information you will pick up;)

Thank you for your kind words about my jackson, I appreciate it.:)

i am thinking of getting one for my b-day. believe me i would not skimp on price. i am looking for a list of non toxic plants, setup, breeding, the usual. thank you sooo much. great vid.:)

i will definitaly take some design ideas from that vid. this forum is awesome!!!!:D i am thinking about getting a 260 gallon reptarium. 29 by 29 by 72.

i will be doing a ton of reasearch in the weeks to come. i would apreciate any info available. so if you come across something send it to me!!! i need it!!!
I have one young male Jax, main thing is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Lower temps than many other breeds, and easy on the supplements, because they over supp real easy.
I own 4 jacksons myself...probably the most any sane person should have. Even one can be quite a handfull, but I will tell you they are worth it and I love them to death. They are my favorite chams by far and are a great choice if you've done the research. Feel free to hit me up with any questions or comments! And welcome to the forums :)

Edit: I have 2 male and 2 female! The guys seem to be more sociable and friendly. The females can be a bit snooty but eventually come around and warm up to ya :D
till death do us part

would a 260 reptarium be enough for a breeding pair?
imo, you would be better off with a regular 2x2x4 aluminum frame screen cham cage, they hold up much better and are easier to deal with in an indoor environment .
the term mated pair is sort of misleading. you generally dont cohabitate them , co- habitating an mf pair in anything smaller than a greehouse is almost certain to cause problems, even then it can be an issue, especially for a newer keeper. its not all cudley, and lovey dovey, sometimes just the continued view of the male can be enough to cause fatal stress for the female. you put the male in for a few hrs to a day or 2 and once the deed is done you should remove him to his own cage not in view of the female. bear in mind that also means almost an entire 2nd set of equip. that means 2nd cage, lights, timers, hygrometers, drainage , watering. pretty much everything,
also it would be prudent to have enough $ set aside to figure on at least one vet visit per animal in the first 6 months, not trying to rain on the parade, just trying to be realistic.
imo, it would be better to have at least 8 mths of successful keeping before trying to breed.
my advice would be to start off with a nongravid 6 mth old female, then if things are still going well 8 mths down the road. your female will be in her prime window, you can buy a male the week before, as far as hes concerned the sooner he gets to work, the better lol, jmo
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My Jax

I own 4 jacksons myself...probably the most any sane person should have. Even one can be quite a handfull, but I will tell you they are worth it and I love them to death. They are my favorite chams by far and are a great choice if you've done the research. Feel free to hit me up with any questions or comments! And welcome to the forums :)

Edit: I have 2 male and 2 female! The guys seem to be more sociable and friendly. The females can be a bit snooty but eventually come around and warm up to ya :D

I too have a Jackson, can you post pictures?
Welcome, I am new here as well. We have a Jackson's and he is great I am still learning though and have had to change a few things around to get him settled in but he is great!!
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