

New Member
How big should and inclosure for a jacksons be? I have him in a bird cage thats about 18" X 16" ,18" tall that is. Hes about 4-5" long . I have all the other requirments met. I was just wondering.
"For captive care they require a cage no smaller than 2'x2'x2 1/2' with at least two sides and the top made of screen " ....... 24in X 24 X 48 is the size of most cages ive seen and thats what i have. you can go smaller like the one you have now for the time bing but when he/she starts gettin bigger your going to wanna upgrade...
how are you feeding your jackson. some jacksons are picky eaters and i use flies to stimulate their appetite. that would be hard in a bird cage

lllreptile has cages 2' x 2' 4' usually on sale at 80 bucks or so

the screen is tighter mesh though but the cages are great.


PS most posts and articles i j=have seen list at least 18" x 18" x 36" larger is better
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