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I am getting 2 Jackson's females and i was wondering If I could house 2 in one enclosure. If so what size would it need to be?
I would strongly advise not housing them together. The male is going to terrorize the female constantly wanting to breed. Then she, not being able to get away is going to stress out and it can possibly lead to serious health problems. I have a male and female Jackson's which I free range (not together) and they have their own space across the room from each other where they can't get access to each other. This is the best advice I can give you. Separate cages is the way to go.
I would strongly advise not housing them together. The male is going to terrorize the female constantly wanting to breed. Then she, not being able to get away is going to stress out and it can possibly lead to serious health problems. I have a male and female Jackson's which I free range (not together) and they have their own space across the room from each other where they can't get access to each other. This is the best advice I can give you. Separate cages is the way to go.

I think that primestick stated they had 2 females ... =)
Most of the time people frown on housing more than one chameleon together. I personally don't but people have done it with Jacksons with limited success. I wouldn't keep a male/female together, but 2 females may work. IF you do, the cage would need to be at least 48"x24"x24" and you would need to have lots of plants for hiding places. If you do this, you need also to just monitor whats going on very closely for the first week or so to see if one or both are showing any kind of signs of stress. Actually, you should continue to look for signs of stress for as long as they are housed together. Some people have stated that they have done it successfully, but like I said, I personally have never tried it.
I have personally witnessed group housing work with adult Jackson's over the long term a few times, but only in rather large enclosures. For instance, some friends have two male:female pairs that they have kept together successfully for a couple of years now. They are kept in an outdoor enclosure (here in Hawaii) measuring something like 6 ft long by 4 ft tall and 4 ft wide. The enclosure is well planted and they share it with a couple box turtles and some budgies (parakeets) ;) The females have babies here and there (last clutch was a couple months ago, I believe). I've seen similar setups work here as well. At least in quite large, planted enclosures, adults (even adult males) do seem to tolerate each other well in some circumstances.

Two females would likely tolerate each other well in a large, well-planted enclosure, but in a typically sized cage there might be some serious problems. If it were me, I'd house them separately, or at the very least have the capacity to separate them.

I personally have a my male and female jacksons both in the same cage at this time.. They both are about 3 months old and seem to be getting along fine. I think I will separate them in the fall when I can get a separate cage or ill just get one big cage and have them both in that, maybe something 4x4x6. They are currently in a cage 1.5x1.5x4.
I tried it for two weeks and Charlotte was not having it so I had to seperate them. She was constantly black and Buckbee my male would harrass her all the time.
I was planning on using the massive 29x29x72 reptarium. I kept my vield in a smaller one as a juvi and he did well. (its not as dark inside as people think... just hard to see in or out) he is more pissed off now that hes in a big cage with good visibility when i come in the room. Oh i also plan on using 3-4 Big ficus and plenty of fake vines hanging from the sides to keep them felling safe.
Any ideas with a cage this big well planted? would they do ok with 2 females together?

Perhaps yes, but perhaps no. You'd have to try it and tell us. As I said though, I'd definitely have the capacity to separate them if needed if you do want to try housing them together.

Perhaps yes, but perhaps no. You'd have to try it and tell us. As I said though, I'd definitely have the capacity to separate them if needed if you do want to try housing them together.


This is what I would suggest also. It could work, it could not so be prepared for the not part.

Ive kept ellioti females together and they did fine. Ive also kept my two female Tr. goetzei in a 16x16x30 inch cage for at least a year now and they have been fine also. This species is not very active so a huge cage is not necessary. My first cham was a jacksons but it was years ago (man, it seems like yesterday I had picked him up from the pet store). If I remember correctly he was more active than the ellioti and goetzei. Jacksonii xanths are also larger so a larger cage, I would say, is definitely a must for them.

Some things to think about and watch for. I would supply them with two basking sites so they do not have to compete over one. Although my goetzei will share a site and also sleep very close to each other most of the time. I am not sure about how communal jacksons are in that aspect though. Make sure they are both eating, basking drinking etc. Watch for "vulgar displays of power":D or aggression. If one is staying near the ground constantly that is not a good sign. If one is not showing content colors this is also not a good sign.

If anything seems out of the ordinary with one then separate immediately. I usually suggest housing animals separate until you get a feel for the species and the animals themselves. After you know their normal routines and color indicators then its easier to tell stress between two that are housed together.
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