
Action Jackson

Chameleon Enthusiast
This guy started to finally so some colors like his old man.
He's sure has some perfect horns.




Not like his neighbor Barbossa.
He looks awesome! And barbosa would be wc? Lol just give him some viagra and those horns will perk right up :D just kidding lol. Barbosa has awesome color
Wow Craig, your jacksons are looking good! I'm thinking I might need a jackson too! I miss having one:(they have great personalities.
He's a little over one year old. I don't feed these guys too much so he's not real big. Yes he is Max's son. I have another male and female from Max too. The other male is kind of gimp since birth but he eats fine. The female is really nice also. She's a pig.:)

Thanks for the kind words.

How old is your xanth? Is this some of Max's offspring? Very, very nice looking guy.
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