Jasonii Parsonii questionii.

Alan is turning blue.


Love your Parsoniis!
I think I fell in love with them as well few weeks ago! :) I've never met any in person unfortunately. Congratulations for the successfully breeding! Hopefully one day I will be confident enough to keep a Parsonii. :)
Thanks! They are beautiful to look at but don't like to be held at all. All three of mine give me the dirtiest stink eye when it's time to weigh them.
Frank "AKA" Django all settled in

Hey Jason,

Just wanted you to know that Frank arrived safely and is adjusting very well to his new home.

You've done an excellent job of taking care of this guy and it shows!!

Couple of observations:

* Already eating everything and anything that I've offered him which included three dubias and one katydid snapped out of my fingers this morning. Several jumbo crickets this afternoon.

* He seems to be very used to human interaction and doesn't seem to stress while I was making final tweaks to drip lines etc. in his cage. My other Parsons would never tolerate this.

* Definitely more green than any orange eye I've ever seen.. Green Giant??
We will have to wait and see.

Here's a few pics.
The last picture is of his roommate Gantu wondering what all the hoopla is all about..


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Hey Jason,

Just wanted you to know that Frank arrived safely and is adjusting very well to his new home.

You've done an excellent job of taking care of this guy and it shows!!

Couple of observations:

* Already eating everything and anything that I've offered him which included three dubias and one katydid snapped out of my fingers this morning. Several jumbo crickets this afternoon.

* He seems to be very used to human interaction and doesn't seem to stress while I was making final tweaks to drip lines etc. in his cage. My other Parsons would never tolerate this.

* Definitely more green than any orange eye I've ever seen.. Green Giant??
We will have to wait and see.

Here's a few pics.
The last picture is of his roommate Gantu wondering what all the hoopla is all about..
I've been slow to post because I miss this face sooo much. Frank was my favorite. He used to greet me with these sad eyes every morning. I never could resist and always gave him the biggest roach or only female crickets (big and juicy).

These are the last photos that I took of him. I swear by extra sad look, he knew that he was shipping out that day. He really worked me and got extra snacks.




The decision to sell Frank was based on logic and responsibility. It was obvious early on that Frank was special. His colors have me convinced that he is a Masoala Green Giant. Without the space or the means to get him a Green giant female, the only logical thing to do was to get him to someone who could.

That same day the I made that realization... The right person contacted me asking about him. This guy passed all of the tests giving me no excuses to not choose him. Trust me... I looked for a reason. half of me got really excited about finding such a good home while the other half was disappointed that he was leaving.

James please take extra good care of my boy! I miss him so much already.

I've been slow to post because I miss this face sooo much. Frank was my favorite. He used to greet me with these sad eyes every morning. I never could resist and always gave him the biggest roach or only female crickets (big and juicy).

These are the last photos that I took of him. I swear by extra sad look, he knew that he was shipping out that day. He really worked me and got extra snacks.




The decision to sell Frank was based on logic and responsibility. It was obvious early on that Frank was special. His colors have me convinced that he is a Masoala Green Giant. Without the space or the means to get him a Green giant female, the only logical thing to do was to get him to someone who could.

That same day the I made that realization... The right person contacted me asking about him. This guy passed all of the tests giving me no excuses to not choose him. Trust me... I looked for a reason. half of me got really excited about finding such a good home while the other half was disappointed that he was leaving.

James please take extra good care of my boy! I miss him so much already.

For those keeping track...
Frank weighed in at 210 grams when he left. He gained 170 grams in his 7 months. I believe that he is now about 10 months old. I forsee him to be a 350+ gram monster in a year.

I've been slow to post because I miss this face sooo much. Frank was my favorite. He used to greet me with these sad eyes every morning. I never could resist and always gave him the biggest roach or only female crickets (big and juicy).

These are the last photos that I took of him. I swear by extra sad look, he knew that he was shipping out that day. He really worked me and got extra snacks.




The decision to sell Frank was based on logic and responsibility. It was obvious early on that Frank was special. His colors have me convinced that he is a Masoala Green Giant. Without the space or the means to get him a Green giant female, the only logical thing to do was to get him to someone who could.

That same day the I made that realization... The right person contacted me asking about him. This guy passed all of the tests giving me no excuses to not choose him. Trust me... I looked for a reason. half of me got really excited about finding such a good home while the other half was disappointed that he was leaving.

James please take extra good care of my boy! I miss him so much already.


Hey Jason,

He is in good hands and I'll add pics to my gallery form time to time so you can watch him grow.. Here are a few pics from yesterday evening.



Couple of observations:

* Already eating everything and anything that I've offered him which included three dubias and one katydid snapped out of my fingers this morning. Several jumbo crickets this afternoon.

* He seems to be very used to human interaction and doesn't seem to stress while I was making final tweaks to drip lines etc. in his cage. My other Parsons would never tolerate this.
That's the difference between a truly captive hatched chameleon, and one taken from the wild.
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