jaw problem


New Member
3-1/4 yr old male vieled translucent cham. diagnosed with jaw mucle inflamation. could open mouth less then 1/4 inch. unable to eat. on own. could swallow. xrays showed no brakes or dislocations. has any body else seen this thanks nancy
I've heard of jaw problems from a supplementation abuse either to much or not enough. Has he been in your care for the three years? When did you last change your bulb? More info would help people better determine your problem. There is a form or a post that askes a bunch of question about your chameleon and it husbandry. I would find that ( not sure what the link is but someone on here will ) fill it out and you will get a more direct answer to a potential problem. Hope this helps.
the vet said that vieleds get this , its rare . usually between 3 and 4 yrs old. he has been put to sleep, he hated beind forced fed and being handled .was totally stressed out , i thought it kinder for him to be put down rather than weeks or for ever force fed.the vet recomened steriods anfd force feeding
there is nothing out of the normal to see he looks fine in every way

Present tense?
I thought it had been put down? Im sure Kin means photos of the mouth/ any swelling while it was(?) alive.
3-1/4 yr old male vieled translucent cham. diagnosed with jaw mucle inflamation. could open mouth less then 1/4 inch. unable to eat. on own. could swallow. xrays showed no brakes or dislocations. has any body else seen this thanks nancy

Never seen this or heard of it before. I have heard about deficiency problems affecting the jaw, but these tend to be fractures, deformed or soft jaw from poor bone quality, or bone infections resulting from stomatitis or tooth decay. If the cham was in serious pain from infection he would not or could not open his mouth.

There is the chance that your vet was grasping at straws because he could not diagnose the real problem.
I am very very sorry to hear this. I have been dealing with this as well for months. Zulu doesn't appear to have a broken jaw, but he has had a terrible infection that we have been unable to get a handle on, even with proper meds. I am trying to get roaches down him now because of the high protein. He's hungry but isn't eating these days. I am determined to figure out what is wrong, but the vet and I are scratching our heads. He is older. I don't know how much this plays a part in it. I will post a photo of his mouth, which has a hard goldish-brown ring around his teeth. It's hard to get in there to see much of what is going on, but the same color gunk comes out of those two bumps on his head. The vet tried to clean them out but they keep filling up -- one side in particular. I'm doing everything I can for the little guy. I adore him. Here's a photo. It's the best one I have. Any advice/suggestions are appreciated. I am have been doing what you all suggest.


  • Zulu's mouth.jpg
    Zulu's mouth.jpg
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Here's another photo. It's a terrible shot, but I think this one shows the color and the shape of the hard, goldish-brown ring around his teeth. You can also see the strings of infection still in his mouth.


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Momofzulu...Re: the two bumps on his "nose" between the bony crests....infection needs to be cleaned out of areas like this persistantly and the area flushed until it stops filling up again. Just giving the chameleon medication won't clear it up. Things like this can go inside...can fill the sinus area...can even have occurred due to a sinus infection. As well they may have been causing him problems inside his mouth. Also...the swelling on the lower part of the turret is indicative of something going on.

Does the exudate from the bumps look green and smell something like rotten grapes? Has it ever been tested to see what antibiotic works best against the germs involved?
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Here's another photo. It's a terrible shot, but I think this one shows the color and the shape of the hard, goldish-brown ring around his teeth. You can also see the strings of infection still in his mouth.
mine has the same thing but his jaw won't close
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