JoJo passed away.


New Member
Hello everyone.

So many of you have followed JoJo's story that I wanted to let you all know. JoJo died about an hour ago. I knew that she was possibly egg bound, but this was very sudden. I thought she would make it. She just started showing signs of being really sick yesterday. I was going to take her to the vet the day after tomorrow. I have read and received countless remarks about what an inspiration she was to a lot of you, and that made me happy to know that so many of you appreciated what an amazing and unique chameleon she was. She was the best pet that I have ever had and in the year that I owned her, she never once left my side. I have cared for every single night, and I have no idea what I am going to do with myself now that I can't wake up and see her sitting in her home every morning. I haven't stopped crying since it happened, and I hate to think that I have to wake up tomorrow, hoping that it was all a horrible dream, and realizing that it wasn't. I can't think of anything else to say, and what I have doesn't do her justice of how much she meant to me, or how special she was. She will be dearly missed.
I am so sorry for your loss, I wish I could say something to make you feel better but I know no matter what I say, it still hurts to lose a cherished part of your family and no words can make you feel better with a broken heart. Just remember she is at peace now.
I am new to the forums and to chameleons, so I don't know JoJo's story yet...but I am so sorry to hear that you lost her. :(
I don't know JoJo but I caught up a bit on alot of your posts quickly. I am crying right along with you. I actually had to stop reading a loud to my husband because I choked up. I asked him to finish reading it for me. By the time he finished he was teared up right along with me. You did everything you could to get her better and have the best year of her new life after what has been done to her. She faught hard to stay in this world just a little longer. Seems you both needed each other and that is why you both got along so well. Shoulder for shoulder... Friends forever and beyond. Just remember that she was well taken care of by a Angel of a person and is not hurting anymore from the pain her previous cruel owners have done to her. I commend you for being there for her when she needed someone like you to save her. She passed knowing you was right there by her side for the journy to heaven. She will be in everyones thoughts and hearts forever and ever. You are an amazing person to the core of your soul. JoJo will be sadly missed and I am truelly sorry for your loss.
so so sorry to hear of her passing. you and jojo were my inspiration when I found out my boy was sick. you took such good care of her and gave her so much. and, yes, it is very tough without them once they decide it is their time to go. I cried for weeks and still do once in a while. the new babies didn't take his place but did make the emptiness twister left easier to deal with.

sorry you are hurting. hope you smile again soon. and, think of what kind of caregiver you can be to your next lucky little one thanks to all you and jojo went through together.

hugs and prayers to you.
Carolyn my heart breaks for you. The amount of love we invest in these wonderful chameleons, just leaves a huge hole in your world. You tried so hard for JoJo, I hope when you are ready, you will give that same love to another chameleon, who will fill your heart again. RIP JoJo
I really wanted to get some things out. You all don't have to bother reading all of this, but I just wanted to get it out there and try to convey what a great little girl she was.

Besides losing her, the hardest part is trying not to blame myself too much. There is always an "I could have done this" scenerio, but in this case, I feel like there are a million other things that I could have done before she reached this point. I really just thought that she was tired from the trip to my grandmother's, and she is never able to sleep in the car, so she only had about six hours of sleep before we came down here. I was just letting her rest up, and my mother came in the room and told me that I should check on her (she didn't know she was gone at this point), and when I did she was laying at the bottom of her cage. I had found her at the bottom that morning, but, again, just thought that she fell in her sleep. Honestly, if I had thought that she was truly this sick, I would have taken her to the vet days ago, but I thought she was just a bit weak from the eggs developing. I'm not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I seriously cannot believe that I have to bury her on Christmas. It is almost ironic that something like this would happen. I have always told myself that I never wanted any bad memories or anything bad to happen on Christmas, and, considering she died around midnight it did.

I really am very happy that she was so meaningful to some of you. I felt like if I talked about her enough or if I shared enough of her, people would see her and her will to live and perhaps give their sick chameleons a little more of their time, or try to go that extra mile for them. Even before I got her, I have always thought that an animal's life should be something special for them, especially if that life depends on another being. And I know that for me, when I see posts on here of some of the amazing things that people do for their chameleons, it makes me work that much harder for mine. The more that I learned about her illness the more I didn't want it to ever happen to another cham, and I hope that she was able to show some of the newer owners what can happen if they don't take the time to learn about their new responsibility.

I tried to give her the best life possible after I got her to try to make up for what was done to her. When I took her to the beach this summer, she was so beautiful and vibrant the entire time, and I knew she was having a blast. Whenever she still liked being held a lot, I used to walk around with her on my shoulder, and I would always know when she wanted to be put back because she would grab ahold of my ear with those strong chameleon hands and make this noise of her's right in my ear. My boyfriend and I always imitated her because we had never heard such a disgusted noise come out of an animal before, and if we did it in front of her she do it right back at us. Of course, things like this didn't happen every time, but often enough to where it was expected of her.

I keep thinking about getting another chameleon, but whenever I use to say that I would get one after Jo was gone, I felt like it was years in the future. Now that it has happened, I can't imagine owning a chameleon that isn't her. I would love to get another rescue, but it would be in hopes that it would be like having her again. I know for sure that when I do get another, it will definitely be a Veiled, but I can't say if I will get a female. Some how I feel like 2-3 years will just fly by, and I want to put off what I am feeling right now for as long as I can.

Another thing my boyfriend and I would do was give her a thousand nicknames. Some of them included Jo Monster, Little Monster, Jo Bro, Jo Namath, JoJo Bear, and, my favorite, simply Monster. Of course, Monster was only meant with the best intentions, and came from that noise she would make at us.

The one thing that I keep trying to convince myself is that it was her time. When I got her a year ago, she already developed eggs. From what I hear, it can take up to a year for them to do that. If that is the case, then she was a little over two years old, which still doesn't seem like that long to me. But, if they really do only live to be around 3, then I suppose it was her time. I guess that I just thought when that time came, I would see it from a mile away and be better prepared, emotionally, for this.

If you stuck around to read all of my ramblings, thank you very much. I promise I am not trying to be dramatic with any of this, but I honestly can't talk about it with my family. They don't really understand. Very few of them have ever owned pets.
Oh sweetie... I'm so so sorry for your loss. I'm crying right there with you. You did everything you could for her, and she knew it, that's why you got along so well.

I'm so sorry you woke up to that on Christmas :'(

RIP Jojo :(
I am so very sorry to hear about JoJo. My heart is breaking for you. It's always sad to see that any chameleon has passed but even sadder when one passes tnat has been so loved as little JoJo was. Never blame yourself. You did a wonderful job with JoJo and I know that she knew that you loved her. You did so much for JoJo to give her a good life all the time that you had her. My thought and prayers are with you today. Jann
I'm soooo sorry to hear about JoJo... I always enjoyed reading your posts about her progression and thriving in your care inspite of her disabilities! You gave her a great life,,, she was always smiling for you!!

I know your heart is hurting... but you are not alone!
So very sorry to learn of her passing.:(
God bless you for patiently caring for her and giving her a great life for the time she had with you.
i am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved girl. she sounds absolutely amazing and as im reading her story im crying for you.. the loss of someone so close(animal or human) rips at our hearts with the strength of a hurricane. i can only say these words and keep you and Jojo in my heart and prayers. you were an amazing guardian for her and from what i can read you made every moment of her time with you precious and joyful. thank you for sharing your story with all of us, it is truly inspiring to see what a difference a loving guardian can make on a sick cham. my baby cham is sick right now and we're doing all we can to keep him with us, your story just struck me heart.. i hope for better days for you soon and just know you are an inspiring and wonderful person for every second you gave Jojo...
i am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved girl. she sounds absolutely amazing and as im reading her story im crying for you.. the loss of someone so close(animal or human) rips at our hearts with the strength of a hurricane. i can only say these words and keep you and Jojo in my heart and prayers. you were an amazing guardian for her and from what i can read you made every moment of her time with you precious and joyful. thank you for sharing your story with all of us, it is truly inspiring to see what a difference a loving guardian can make on a sick cham. my baby cham is sick right now and we're doing all we can to keep him with us, your story just struck me heart.. i hope for better days for you soon and just know you are an inspiring and wonderful person for every second you gave Jojo...

sooo true... it couldn't of been said better!!!!
This is why I stay away from this section on the boards, it is just too sad.....I am very sorry for your loss of JoJo.
I am so very sorry to hear about JoJo. You went above and beyond what most would have done and just by taking her into your heart and home in that condition was an inspiration in itself. You gave her the greatest life she could have ever had. If only she could have ended up with you in the first place. I think by sharing your story, you have given others hope and to never say never so to speak. She was such a sweet little cham and I know your fond memories of her will keep her alive in your heart always. RIP JoJo.
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