Joule showing some awesome coloration!


Established Member
Here are some pictures of my 4 month old Nosy be female, Joule. After about 2 months of not being able to tell whether she was male or female, I came to the conclusion that Joule was just an extremely colorful female! Here are some pictures of her showing her awesome coloration. There is also one picture of her showing her resting cryptic coloration. I hope you enoy her pictures.



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She looks amazing Calavera. I love the color variation she has, especially at 4 months. Congratz. The picture of her eating the cricket looks really cool.
You know poch, I'm not 100 percent convinced myself. I made an earlier post showing photos of her tail base and the majority of the people guessed she was a female. What is your honest oppinion? At this point, if she is a female, she has some amazing coloration, however, if "she" is a "he", she has some coloring up to do. Here is the thread with pictures of her tail base. :p

With the bars changing colors, I think it would have to be male, but the way it darkens into the dark brown/black colors makes it look like a female. I've been having some trouble seeing a bulge at the base of my male's tail too, so I don't think the lack of a big bump should exclude it from being considered male. Maybe it's a hermaphrodite? I don't know if that's even possible for reptiles, but it doesn't happen often in mammals.
I think your female is a male. I have yet to see a female with those colors.
Who did you purchase it from ? I think regardless if its a he or a she it looks amazing. I really like those colors. I am doubting that if it is a male that it is a Nosy Be, To me it looks like a Blue bar Ambilobe baby male. Thats just me. Congrats on your good looking cham.
Yeah, those colors are definately indicative of a male. I purchased this little pardalis from a breeder who wasn't incredibly qualified. I got to look at the sire, if in fact he was the one who planted the seed, and it was a vibrant unmistakable Nosy be. I agree that the mother was probably mistaken for a Nosy be, but in reality, was of a different Locale. Sadly, the breeder told me that she died while rearing. I too thought the bars were indicative of an ambilobe, however, those deep, almost black browns are what boggles me. At times, (photo 3) it even has a speckled look, almoast like an Ankaramy. Regardless of it's locale or purity, i think its a male, and a unique and beautiful one! After-all, for the whopping 50 dollar price-tag this little one sported, it can be whatever the heck it wants to be!:D

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