A lot of people on here enjoy building their own cages and stands. It's like a hobby you know? They don't mind putting in the time and effort for their chams. While we haven't built cages for our chams, though I would love to one day, we did build our stands from scratch. The best part was we got to spend more time together by building the stands together. There's more to it for a lot of people than just getting it done for cheaper. It's not that you "got smart" you just didn't enjoy building the cages that much I guess.
Oooooo where's a ' clapping ' smilie ? So very true, well said...for us that fit your argument.
I built all mine, and I'm an old wrinklie girlie, but it gave me something to do with my time ( before I got totally hooked on Chams - breeding locusts etc
Mine were based on getting the spec right for what they were housing as being in the UK there is more to consider and get right. Researching and sourcing all the safe materials etc. Building them made it all very personal and ment something. Rather than a box arrives and ' in you go.......'
As mine all live in the lounge with me, as family members ( yeah ok I know
Not only all the above but I also learned loads of new skills that normally I wouldn't come across. Carpentry, tiling, grouting, precise measuring of correct glass size
Currently I have been thinking of moving to screens cages but only because I hope to move to a much warner climate and they would be needed both inside and out.
So sometimes it isn't about the quick easy fix, like clinically going out to buy a new kettle, sometimes it's about giving someone a purpose, a reason, personal satisfaction and pride.
It wasn't about just ' buying a kettle ' it was about the journey.
.........and living proof you can teach an old dog new tricks
Phew !