Just a LITTLE upset!!


New Member
I have my 9month old veiled female chameleon Jewel. She is doing great! :D Wanted to get a little boy....but ? But I am not allowed due to where I live. :(
Does anyone else have this problem?:confused::confused::(
apartments in mid-west Missouri. I will need to look for another when my lease is up. But was told most apartments don't allow chameleon. I got the female thinking it was fine cause rules said under 25 lbs is fine. But the land lord said that's for dogs and cats ONLY!

1.Kuma = dog 3yrs old 25lbs full grown
2.Jewel = veiled chameleon 9months old
It used to apply to fish tanks on upstair floors and snakes. Lizards were not included in the exclusions. Then again, I haven't had a lease in forever either. It isn't like your chameleon is going to bark all nite, pee on the carpet, bite the neighbor (well that is possible), etc... You need to ask specifically each place you want to rent from. Most places just require a standard pet deposit and that is it. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask. Worst thing that can happen is they say No.
I understand your post about your complex not allowing chameleons, but what difference would it make if you got a male or female?. Males are not going to reach 25lbs in weight. Not even one pound! I was just a little confused by your post!:confused:
In my 7 years of experience renting, usually apartment complexes don't care at all when you admit to them you have a chameleon up front (with a photo, because they confuse chameleons with 6' long iguanas) or they don't really care if you just don't say anything and they see them at some point if they walk into the apartment.

I've done a mix of both, admit and not admit, and they have never ever been a problem. Whether it was one or five. Usually land lords are actually kind of smitten when they do finally meet them in person. Especially if you're a normal, clean person so they see that the apartment is in good shape and that the chameleons are clean and tidy in their cages.
I'm sorry to hear that you're having that issue with your complex. That seems kind of dumb and sounds like whoever you talked to just may not like reptiles and has some aversion to them. So it may be policy, or they just say no. We've been in many places and some allow them and others don't, but it's all personal and I've only ever seen it ONCE in a lease where snakes over 4 feet weren't allowed. And some places don't allow rodents since they're "vermin" ug. There's just still so much ignorance in this world.

When we get places we only ever disclose our mammalian animals since that's what most people care about. We have tarantulas, so I never disclose that since most people freak out and won't rent to us because they have arachnophobia.

I'd suggest in the future not sharing just because it's not that you're hiding anything, but I find and have always found that an animal contained in an enclosure doesn't really count towards a lease, nor should it matter to the landlord/complex. I mean I wouldn't get a nile crocodile in an apartment or anything, since nothing can contain that ;)

Sometimes you get lucky and find people who don't care. We were worried when we rescued our chameleon and gecko but the landlord came over and liked him, told us about his old gecko and lizard breeding days. But that was just luck on our part. We've had a landlord try to evict us before over our inverts.

If you were to get another chameleon it's not a big deal, but since they're aware of it now, it may become an issue. So, I'm sorry you have to deal with that annoyance.
Especially if you're a normal, clean person so they see that the apartment is in good shape and that the chameleons are clean and tidy in their cages.

THIS! Especially this. As long as your animals are cared for and clean, clean, clean, most places will look the other way even if they don't like it. But generally only if it doesn't cause problems. And no one likes a neighbors with stanky animals.
Kinda off the beaten path here. I once had a landlord I called a slumlord to his face. Let's face it, HE WAS! Wouldn't fix anything. After the heated argument that followed, we came to an understanding. We were the same stubborn wretches of a human being. Needless to say, we got along from that day on. He passed away about 6 months later and I continued renting from his wife for 3 more years. I was actually saddened by the death of someone, I once hated enough to call a slumlord. Landlords are people too, apparently. :D
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