New Member
I took Moe out of his enclosure this morning to get a good look at him. I normally hold him for five to ten minutes each day and take a good look at him to make sure I don't see anything wrong that I couldn't see by just looking into his enclosure. He normally goes nicely on my hand and chills out on my arm or on my hand while he is out. This morning he was in a super rush to get from my hand to my shirt. He missed my shirt and feel off my hand at the same time (falling about two feet). I immediatly picked him up and checked on him. He looks and acts normal but is there anything I should look for? I'm assuming that in the wild chameleons take falls from time to time but being only about 4 inches long (excluding tail) makes me afraid that he is so frail that he can't take much abuse. I'll be watching his movements and his eating/drinking to make sure that doesn't change but is there anything else? Any advice is appreciated. He is currently basking on a vine in his enclosure which is normal behavior, and seems alert. Thanks.