Just curious as to whether or not this chameleon is healthy


New Member
Hi all I'm looking into purchasing a chameleon I've spent a pretty penny on making an enclosure and will have pics up for your thoughts on that . I am also new to this site and glad to be a part of such a friendly community . I live in Alaska and this is the only baby veiled chameleon at the only pet store in Fairbanks which is petco ... This is my first time shopping at a chain shop -.- just by these 2 pictures can any of you identify any health issues and I believe it is a female am I wrong ? Thank you in advance ImageUploadedByTapatalk1353585149.750635.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1353585165.478776.jpg
I believe its easier if you ask to hold him and take pictures that way. You want to look at the eyes- Are they moving independently? Is he/she actively climbing your hands? Do you hear labored breathing? These would be the basics. Knowing its petco he likely isn't getting proper supplements/lighting but each store is different.

I'll let the more experienced keepers give you more insight though.
Welcome to the forums! I fixed your typo for you. ;) She appears to be in good shape from the pictures. Can't confirm it's a she because I can't zoom in on the back foot enough, but it doesn't look like there's a tarsal spur. In addition to what has been said:

Signs of a healthy chameleon:
- A healthy chameleon should be active in its environment and standing up rather than laying on its perch
- The chameleon should be able to move about the cage with good balance without falling or stumbling
- The eyes should be full, open at all times and actively looking all around
- The arm and leg bones should all be straight, toes should all be intact and the chameleon should have a strong grip
- Skin should have vibrant coloration all over the body and all the spines on the back should be present
- Patches of shedding skin are normal if present
- The tail should be able to grasp branches and curl up smoothly

An unhealthy chameleon may have one or multiple of these signs:
- Sleeping during the day at all
- Sunken or swollen eye turrets
- Laying on the bottom of the cage
- Legs that are bent, curved, appear to have multiple joints or have swellings at the joints
- Wrinkly, crusty or dry skin, bumps, cuts or bruises, or patches of abnormal colored skin
- Blood at the mouth, swollen jaw, or jaw that doesn't align properly
- A tail that cannot curl or is black at the end
- Falling off branches, having a weak grip, stumbling or appearing very clumsy
Thank you both for that, I would have to assume petco is not giving proper care also , I will be buying this chameleon no matter what so I can at least get it out of improper hands. The way my enclosure is coming about I feel I will be able to supply everything she needs. Thanks Again.
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