New Member
I just got my Veiled Chameleon on the December 29th. He seems to be starting to settle in within just a few days. Before every time I opened or was near the cage he would move away. Now he’s starting to stay in the spot he was. His colors are starting to brighten up sometimes, but occasionally he gets dark as seen in one of the pictures. Is there any tips on how to reduce his stress? I’ve read quite a bunch on veiled chameleons, but I’m always open for any tips I can get. I’ve fed him In the morning crickets and small super worms. I’m going to be getting 1/4in dubia roaches and some wax worms to help give him a variety. I do have rocks covering the substrate in the pot of the live plant. I also have a decent amount of vines and fake plants. However I was thinking of getting more to help reduce stress, but he seems to be doing fine. So any tips for me would be great. His name is Pascal.