Just needing some Advice Please


New Member
I am seriously looking at purchasing a one year old Male Veiled Chameleon. (I am not interested in purchasing another baby.) The person whom I would be buying him from had him from a baby. I will be going to look at him either today or tomorrow. What should I look for when I check him out?.

I know a lot of people on here think that I should buy from a breeder here on the forum. I have done that previously (Titus) and had to send him back to the breeder for an eye problem. They were very good about it and refunded my money. So please any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Ask about urates, check all feet for cuts or missing nails, ask about medical history and check mouth for gout or any obvious health issues. sunken Eyes make sure he eats infront of u to make sure his tongue works. Other than that u should be good. Also make a vet appointment for a fecal asap just to make sure.
Thanks Manik6. I will definately keep that in mind when I go to see him tomorrow. In the mean time I'm getting the cage reset up and ready.
also, you know what MBD looks like right? Make sure the limbs are not curved and the casque is straight.
Hi Carol5208. Yes, I do, Thanks. I will be taking my time checking him over. If there are any red flags, I will not buy him. Hoping that all goes well thou.

He comes with his own cage, but it is too small for him. Resetting up my cage today.
Well I didn't end up getting the one year old male veiled. He was missing his front claws one of his front feet. Hopefully I'll have better luck next time.
HI Carol, He was actually missing two claws on the same side of his foot. He had a hard time grasping.
As long as the toes were not infected from the claws being pulled out he's fine. Prob more than 1/2 the chams people on this board own are missing a nail or two due to losing them on the screen. As long as his grip is nice and firm he will be fine. My mitsio came to me missing a cpl of nails and he's perfectly able to climb his vines and plant. Was the veiled shaky or showing a lack of coordination? Is so thats husbandry issues or poor diet and not from missing toenails.
Hi Texas Panther Man, That is very good to know. I also asked her to make sure that I could see how well he could eat and she didn't have any crickets. So I had no way to check on his eating ability. He was quite large thou.
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