Just purchased our 1st chameleon concerned?


New Member
My daughter and I went to the Sac show today and she fell in love with a 4 month female chameleon. We have never had one so I was asking lots of questions about feeding watering. Generally everything i could think of since I had no clue. Felt like it was fairly easy and something my daughter and I could handle. So we purchased her. Great wonderful. Went to a store in the show and asked for everything we needed. Got everything.

Home and all setup. Coated the crickets and put about a dozen in. She ate about four awesome. So I go online to research more about her. Finding out about laying eggs and the dangers. And what u need to do. This is what is really bothering me. If I was told at show about this I would have found a male chameleon. So I'm not sure what to do now. The guy I purchased from is from ks so going to him and asking for a trade is out. Can't even get on his website that he wrote on the receipt. I swear it says. Reptiles etectera

Any suggestions. I want her to live a full healthy life. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to trade? Or a store that might be able to help.

Hey I wouldn't let the info your reading stress you out too much. The fact that your doing research on females means that you will prob be able to easily avoid the dangers and complications of egg laying. I've read several stories about females only laying one clutch of eggs and even zero in their lives due to keeping their temps cooler and limiting the amount of food they eat.
Females are no harder then males...you'll know what to do if you keep hanging out here.

All my females but one loved me to death, and they will let you know when It's time to go into the laying bin.

Hi there! Welcome to the forum amd the wonderful world of chameleons! Keeping females is fun and if you have all the right info you'll get along fine :)

Here's a great blog for you, be sure to read the links in there too

And here's an awesome video on how to make a lay bin

If you know what breed she is we can direct you to a good care sheet. There's a lot of conflicting care info out there.

P.s. we would love to see pics :)
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My suggestion for a long, healthy life would be to fill out this form so everyone can see exactly what your set up is and then offer adviced from there!!!

As for egg laying,,,,,nope,,,I got nothing,,,but as you can see,,,there are lots of female owners willing to share their stories and advice!!!!
Welcome and have a blast!!!
Thank You for all the reply's. Like I said I want whats best for her. She is a veiled chameleon. I also noticed whats looks like dry skin patches on her sides. I asked about this to the breeder and he said it was nothing to worry about. Thinking about having a vet check her out just to make sure.

I will try to get some pics today.

Thanks again
Thank You for all the reply's. Like I said I want whats best for her. She is a veiled chameleon. I also noticed whats looks like dry skin patches on her sides. I asked about this to the breeder and he said it was nothing to worry about. Thinking about having a vet check her out just to make sure.

I will try to get some pics today.

Thanks again

A vet checkup is always a good idea, Jann does almost monthly checkups on her babies! But if it's only dry skin, which would look like little white patches of skin, mist her a lot with warm water. That should help. Just try not to get it in her face, babies that small could aspirate water droplets on their noses.
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