Just put an exo terra waterfall in with cammie!


New Member
Thought I would post up quick smart, as I have just put a waterfall in with my chameleon.

He is now standing on a branch, rocking the whole vine/tree with his body. I thought maybe it was the vibrations from the pump within the waterfall. I have now turned it off as it worried me, but he has continued to rock back and fourth.

I opened up his enclosure and he came running out. :eek: Would it be the waterfall or just a freak coincidence??
Most people dont like waterfalls because they can be a breeding ground for bacteria, ntm a cham can fall in it and drown, etc. SO it is possible your cham freaked out, new things and all in his home.

why did yo feel you needed one?
I whole heartedly agree... What made you feel that you needed one? and camimon is correct they are a breeding ground for bacteria due in part that most bodies of water in a cham cage (bowls, waterfalls, pools of water...) are seen as poop targets and if they are not clean all the time they will host dangerous bacteria...
I bought it so he could drink from it. As chameleons only drink from running water like waterfalls.
I bought it so he could drink from it. As chameleons only drink from running water like waterfalls.

They drink from dripping water, or water that has gathered on plant leaves. not from waterfalls. Theres a difference between dripping water and a waterfall.

It can create more problems than its worth.
I agree with the above posters, they are just a mess. They carry bacteria, they chameleon more than likely won't drink from it and you think that it is okay to not mist just because there is water flowing in the enclosure.. Then it will become dehydrated if it doesn't try to drink from it.

check out this thread by a fellow member. this might bring a bit of perspective into what you are thinking..

they drink water droplets off of leaves, i would recommend get an automated misting system, or just hand spraying multiple times a day
i would get rid of it...lots of negatives, no positives
Actually they can look quite cool. I had one years ago with my first Cham. Looked real nice for a bit, :rolleyes:
I bought it so he could drink from it. As chameleons only drink from running water like waterfalls.
He will probably drink from it, until he decides to poop in it, crickets/other feeders drown in it, any filter gets blocked. After a couple of months having one it got slimy within a day after cleaning with boiling water. It will waste so much of your time, and still be useless for drinking from soon (or worse if he continues to drink from it when its just a filthy bacterial soup). The smartest way is to get a dripper and mist leaves enough - it really is so much easier.
Even if there is a way to make totally sure of clean running water in a waterfall, a dripper will do the same job for you
they drink water droplets off of leaves

http://youtu.be/94_fl94cfxQ ... Thats an example :)

I can understand your thinking here. But Most folks agree on this issue .. and for good reason... I say get yourself a dripper... There are some links here that show you how to make one... of you can buy one from the store for right around 11-13 bucks... Also misting is a huge deal. Automated is a lifesaver.. but at ther very least handmisting a few times a day... Best of luck
I agree with the above posters, they are just a mess. They carry bacteria, they chameleon more than likely won't drink from it and you think that it is okay to not mist just because there is water flowing in the enclosure.. Then it will become dehydrated if it doesn't try to drink from it.

check out this thread by a fellow member. this might bring a bit of perspective into what you are thinking..


Read all of the above and I still see no 'evidence' of them being bad for my chameleon.... :confused:
Read all of the above and I still see no 'evidence' of them being bad for my chameleon.... :confused:

It's kind of a trust game... Either you trust that these people experiences are true and use the suggested means... Or don't these are just suggestions... I trust these forums and the experiences of the members... That is all the proof I need but others need to experience on their own... DavidBuchan gave his own experience... Was that not believable?
i was totally going to get a waterfall at one point when i first got my cham. I think its because people want to make a Jungle"ish" type environment and for some Disney reason that involves a waterfall :p. But i honestly see a new thread on waterfalls almost every time i get on these forums at least one a week and they are all the same someone saying they want to get or got a waterfall and dozens of the most experienced members on the forum saying how bad of an idea it is :eek:. Needless to say they cant all be wrong.. its easy to see how they can just be a "breeding ground for bacteria" so i have seen the light no waterfalls for me :p

That being said many have also said you could do it .. but it would need to be cleaned like EVERY DAY!! so.. up to you..
I bought it so he could drink from it. As chameleons only drink from running water like waterfalls.

they drink from rain..hardly if ever do they drink from waterfalls..and since they breed bacteria..it may just be more harm than good.
Read all of the above and I still see no 'evidence' of them being bad for my chameleon.... :confused:

What kind of 'evidence' do you want? written studies, actually seeing it happen? cuz as it stands right now, people posted there personal experience and personal knowledge regarding this topic.
Many times, a change in the cage (like the addition of a waterfall) can tempoarily stress the chameleon until it gets used to it. I do not think it conicidental that your chameleon is behaving that way. I would attribute it to a reaction to the new waterfall.

I hope you decide to accept the collective wisdom of this forum regarding the unsuitability of the waterfall as a drink source. Otherwise I fear your chameleon will be battling health issues (which even an experienced chameleon keeper would not be likely to notice until damage was done).

Save your money - take the waterfall back and instead buy a cheap hand sprayer and make a dripper (which can be as simple as a plastic cup with a small pinhole pierced in the bottom, filled with water and placed on top of the cage such as the water falls into the cage onto leaves).
i have a baby cham so she is in a small cage where would i find a mister system that would fitt in her cage with out taking over the whole thing? and how dose it work?
Ste, at least consider putting a mesh over the pool of water at the bottom so you don't risk your chameleon falling into the water and drowning. You can usually get nylon net or tulle for very little cost.
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