Just questions?


New Member
Hi all just a few questions here was just wondering about how much im feeding my im estimating 2-4 month old Veiled Chameleon ive had him for several weeks now everything is fine and he loves to eat i feed him anywhere from 8-12 3/8 inch crickets a day and a occasional mealworm every other day since i heard its hard for them to digest okay so heres my question should i feed him more or less or until he stops eating the reason why i ask is i see all these pics other chameleons granted different species i know but they all have these nice fat tails i understand this to be the fat storage area and dont get me wrong he looks very healthy his tails looks good as well but should he be eating more or are male veileds just slender at this age? you can check him out in my gallery if you care about my question thanks to all!
You should be feeding every day at this age, not every other. 12-15 crickets is good. I fed 1/4 in at that age, but if he is eating 3/8 with no problems then that is ok. The mealworms I would only add in as a treat as you are doing.
no no i do feed him every day i was saying every other day about the mealworms but thanks on the crickets i will up his daily feeding just ordered 250 from Ghann's so i think were in good shape thanks!
You're probably noticing thick tails on male panthers. Veileds, male or female, usually won't have as thick a tail as a male panther, regardless of age. I looked at the pics in your gallery, and he looks fine. Make sure you're gutloading your crickets well, with fruits and veggies.
oh, ok. you are good then! Try maybe adding some small silkworms in instead of the mealworms. They are a good feeder also!
Thanks Lingling yeah ever since i got him he's had all my free time lol just making sure everything is going well with him ive read enough literture to write a book but thats what helps but then make me worry if that makes since i just read something on how Veileds usually wont live more then a year in captivity so im doing my best in my effort to obviously prolong that to full life potential and oh how old did you think he is im thinking 2 or 2 months i guess let me know your opinion and Carol where do you get silkworms can you order them and how often can you feed them?
Blue, you can get silks at either Mulberry Farms or Coastal Silkworms, both located in California. You would have to order the smallest ones if your cham is only 2 months old and they will grow bigger unlike the meals. By removing them from their food source you can slow down the growth process cause you do not want them to get too big where you can not feed them off. Check out the websites of both suppliers and you can get an idea of the size and how many you want to order. They really only eat mulberry so you have to buy their chow or have access to a mulberry leaves.
i just read something on how Veileds usually wont live more then a year in captivity....

Gross underestimation. some here report 8 years with good care, 5 years being an average. :)
Well jojackson do you know it to be true does it fall under bad care or ignorance of the caretaker or is it just enevitable? do you know any Veiled owners who can prove this not tobe true?

oh snap didnt read the bold word thought it was your signature well okay that makes me feel better thank you
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Well jojackson do you know it to be true does it fall under bad care or ignorance of the caretaker or is it just enevitable? do you know any Veiled owners who can prove this not tobe true?

oh snap didnt read the bold word thought it was your signature well okay that makes me feel better thank you

I know my sister had a veiled she called the old man who lived to 11, yes 11 years old. That was about 15 years ago, and we know a lot more about caring for them now that we did 15 years ago. You will have a good few tears with the little guy.:):)
Well that sounds fantastic thank ya Laurie that be great if I even got half that he's so awesome and why and who posted that ill never know I guess they were mis informed!
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