just showing my new cham


New Member
This is my first chameleon so am obviously new to all this. he is about 3 months old about 6 1/8 inches from head to tail, hes in a 38 gallon reptarium with a reptisun 10.0 , pothos plant , branches , vines, a 75 watt bulb that keeps the basking spot between 85-90 . i mist him 3 times a day and have a dropper going almost all day. i also have a reptifogger that helps a little with the humidity. humidity is between 40-60 . i dust calcium everyday on his crickets and multivitamin 3-4 times a week ( that was recommended by the breeder where i bought him.) oh and he eats between 15-25 crickets a day am cup feeding him to keep a better control of how many he eats but every now and then i leave some free ranging so he can hunt them. do you guys think he looks healthy?


I would do everything you are doing. just on the multi vit i think that may be a lil much.. just from most of the things i read on here. i think it is more like dust the feeders with the multi vit twice a month only on about half the feeders you are feeding. also pretty lightly they say. and this may even be a lil more. i think if it has the vit A its once a month. but everyone is different i have found out. also make sure to give him a calcium with d3 phosphorous free supplement twice a month also. and then plain calcium powder without d3 lightly on most feedings. And im still new here so just let all these great people here help you out all the way.
o and he seems pretty healthy to me.
I got them at the animal expo I went to for like $ 5 they are almost$ 20 at a petstore but they are the "jungle vines " by exo terra
your basking spot seems a little high. The low 80's is preferred, especially for a young veild such as yours. Does he ever hold his mouth open when he is basking?
I know it was suggested to use a 5.0 UVB for my Panther, are Veileds able to handle a higher UVB (the 10.0 he's using)?
Well he is in a reptarium and anybody who has one know how thick they are thats why I was recommended the 10.0 . And yeah he does open his mouth while basking but I read on another thread saying thats normal.
Well he is in a reptarium and anybody who has one know how thick they are thats why I was recommended the 10.0 . And yeah he does open his mouth while basking but I read on another thread saying thats normal.

A yawn or something brief might be normal. Having it open for a stretch of time or multiple times a day is not. I believe that means he is hot or dehydrated.
You have it all correct so you don't need anyone to help, you have taken care of him.:):) Good job. temp may be a tad high but if it is working then it is ok.

Using the cage you are using I agree I would also be using the 10.o instead of the 5.0 jmo

I would do everything you are doing. just on the multi vit i think that may be a lil much.. just from most of the things i read on here. i think it is more like dust the feeders with the multi vit twice a month only on about half the feeders you are feeding. also pretty lightly they say. and this may even be a lil more. i think if it has the vit A its once a month. but everyone is different i have found out. also make sure to give him a calcium with d3 phosphorous free supplement twice a month also. and then plain calcium powder without d3 lightly on most feedings. And im still new here so just let all these great people here help you out all the way.
o and he seems pretty healthy to me.
Maybe a 60 watt bulb might be more comfortable for him and he won't open his mouth while basking. 85-90 to me is not that hot though. Perhaps lower the basking spot perch like a couple of inches. As long as he's drinking, he should be OK.
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